39|We Kill Him

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Nova's POV

"So this is where he lives?" Eva asks as she shuts the car door behind her.

I stare up at the two stores house, a black gate shutting off the public from the property. The driveway is long and lined with grass on both sides.

"Guess so." I sigh and begin to walk towards the house.

"I'll admit, I thought he wouldn't live somewhere so...nice." I shake my head lightly at Eva's comment.

"He is a body guard, he gets a shit load." I glance at her behind my back before pressing the button to open the gates.

The large black gates slowly open to reveal a stoned driveway and a white glassed front door. Guessing by the lack of cars sitting in the driveway, I'm assuming there is nobody home. 

"Still doesn't explain why he only took out two grand."Eva rolls her eyes. I let out a bitter sigh having to agree with her.

I look through the glass, not seeing much because of the slight blur the glass has to it, the hallway is empty no sight of anyone. I look at Eva shrugging my shoulders.

"It seems empty." I stand back letting Eva do her thing. She leans down to get a better look at the lock, taking out her tools, she begins to pick lock the door. I wait patiently behind her as she continues to work her magic. The sound of the lock moving inside the door, Eva's steady breaths, her hands even more steady.

"Got it!" She whisper shouts. I think she was talking to herself than me.

"Nice one." I comment. She smiles at me and pushes the door open. We walk through the door and into the quiet house. My heeled boots are loud against the floor as we slowly walk through the hall.

"It's so creepy." Eva comments behind me. I peek my head into the other room, a living room.

The tv is on but the room is empty. I stop my movements and become more aware that someone could be in the house. I listen carefully as I move my feet into the kitchen. The kitchen is smaller compared to the rest of the house, it has more of a homey vibe to it then any other room.

I take a seat on one of the stools that sat under the Island. Pots and pans are hung above the sink on a rack, the smell of freshly cooked bread filling the air around me. Eva peeks into the fridge, popping a strawberry into her mouth.

She smiles at me when I give her a look. I roll my eyes, waving her into the chair beside me. She sits down finishing the strawberry with a slurp. I make a face at her.

"What are we waiting for?" She asks as she licks the juice off from her fingers.

"Someone will come in." I tilt my head towards the kettle that's still boiling, meaning someone is to be sure to return very shortly.

"We're having a tea party now?" Eva snorts.

"Shut up, will you?"

She raises her hands in mock surrender, zipping her lips. I roll my eyes and turn my head when I hear the back door open. A short lady with brow brown hair that's tied up into a loose bun, steps into the kitchen with a basket full of freshly washed clothes.

"Oh!" She jumps and drops the basket to the floor.

"Good morning!" Eva chirps.

"Who are you?" She eyes us with suspicion. Before I could answer she asks, "Did Nathan let you in? That boy never tells me when he's home." She huffs, already letting her guard down.

I hide the glare I have towards the mention of her son and fake a smile. "Nathan didn't tell you we would be coming over?" I ask sweetly.

"No he never mentioned it." She shakes her head.

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