43|This Can't Be Happening

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Nova's POV

I can't stop fidgeting.

We're going over the rescue plan before we bust in there. I glance at the blue prints of the building Kelly's being held in. The building is a run down hanger just by the docks, it's the perfect place to hide her and I scold myself for not thinking about it earlier.

"If we go in here, we'll be in and out before they even know what's happening."

"I've gathered a few guys to cover blind spots. If anything needs to happen, we're your guys." Ethan points to the many sky windows where snipers will be set up.

"She's most likely out in the open, so we don't really have time to be stealthy once we get in." 

"I've called in some of my brothers guys, they'll back me up." Eva says circling the entrance she's coming in from.

"With the people we've all gathered, we'll be sure to get Kelly out of there safely." Grayson says. "If any of you fuck this up, I will personally kill you." He glares at the many people surrounding us that have been called in to help.

"Are you sure we'll get her?" I can't help but be worried that this could go wrong. Grayson turns to me his eyes softening.

"I'll make sure of it, Angel." I purse my lips and nod my head. "Right we're going in in five. Gear up." He tosses me a black bulletproof vest which I don't bother fighting him on, having already had this argument today.

As you can see I didn't win this one.

I strap it onto my body as wells as every daggers and gun I practically own. Every inch of me is covered in weapons. My thighs, ankles, chest and back. I'm taking very limited chances and I would also love the chance to kill these assholes who took my best friend.

"Okay, listen up!" Everyone looks towards Grayson who stands beside me with his, 'don't fuck with me' look. It's hot. "Everyone knows the plan so I don't expect anyone to fuck it up."

I glance my eyes around everyone, stern looks and hard glares cover every inch of there faces. Weapons glisten in the moonlight, our body's blending into the dark.

"We go in, I want Liam's group to protect Kelly and get her out of there as fast as you can. Ethans group, take out as many people as you can from the top, my guys," I look towards Grayson's group who look the most deadliest group of all, "You have one job, make sure Nova doesn't get harmed in any way. If I find one scratch on her; you're all dead."

My heart warms at his protectiveness over me, even though this was another argument we had. Again, he won it.

"Got it?"

"Yes, boss."

"Right, move forward." All the groups split up and go to there destinations. I cast a look around the dark building following Grayson's lead, our bodies flanking either side of the huge door. Grayson sends a nod to the group of our men and with his command they begin to bust open the door with explosives.

"Go go, go!" We all file in and immediately guns are being fired. People go down every second as we take over the hanger. The gun sends hard vibrations to my body as I shoot anyone who is part of the scorpios gang.

My eyes go to Grayson every now and then, making sure he's okay and not dying on me. I nearly begin to cry in relief when I see Kelly huddled around by our guys. I run over there but get stopped by a Scorpio member. He sends a punch to my stomach making my body hunch forwards slightly, the vest protecting me.

I let out an annoyed groan and take out a dagger that's strapped to my thigh. I send him a harsh glare as I make a step towards him. He goes to sidestep but I see the move coming and meet him to the side. My dagger goes deep into his stomach, the handle being the only thing that's left of it. I don't bother to watch him die or torture him more. I place my foot on him and push him to the floor, the sound of my dagger pulling out of him sending tingles down my body.

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