17| Come Back To Me

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17|come back to me


"I'm tired." Nova's fragile voice whispers below me.

My hands are coated in her blood as I press down on the wound. I push her hair back, sweat shines on her skin. "I know, Angel. Just hold, baby." I say, looking at her with pain.

Where the fuck is everyone?!

I notice her eyes start to fall shut and I try my hardest to keep them open. "Just hold on," I beg. Her eyes are fully shut and her hand go limp. I feel for her pulse, panicking when I don't hear it. Not believing she could die, I check her neck. Leaning my head on her chest, I watch as it rises and falls. Releasing a sigh of relief, she's breathing but barely.

Having enough of waiting on no one, I carefully lift Nova into my arms. Her head falls onto my chest as her hands fall limp beside her side. The sight is haunting. Carrying her bridle style, I carry her out of the rubble of a cabin. The sun has risen, the sky a now dark hue of blue and orange. People run around in a hurry, cabins destroyed.

I notice others are harmed but no one seems to be in as bad shape as Nova. Knife wounds, sporting bruises, or broken bones. But no one had been shot, only Nova. People stop and stare as I walk towards the medical centre with Nova fighting for life in my arms.  I see the busy medical centre come into view, and my speed increases. I push through the doors and rush her to help. "Oh my god!" A nurse gasps as she sees me walk in.

Many doctors and nurses come rushing towards me, taking Nova out of my arms and putting her on a gurney. I watch over her, not letting her out of my sight. They start to shout random things to each other, things I have no understanding about. As they begin to push her away, I follow only to get stopped by someone. "Sir, you can't come." A doctor stops me.

"Fuck off. I'm not leaving her alone." I threatened him.

"Sir, we have to operate. You can't come." I lash out at him, pushing and shoving him out of the way.

People begin to hold me back as I shout in protest. "Get the fuck off me!" I shout, watching the doors that Nova went through.

"Grayson!" Liam shouts as he stands in front of me, pushing his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, you can't help her if you get kicked out." He tries to reason with me.

"Liam, get your fucking hands off me," I command, my voice cold.

He glares at me, his grip tightening. "Grayson, you're not thinking clearly." He nearly shouts at me. "Calm the fuck down!" This time he does shout at me.

I breathe heavily, calming myself down. I start to feel the hands that were holding me back, slowly pull away from me. I walk over to the waiting area and fall into a chair kneeling with my elbows on my knees, my head between my hands. I feel Liam sit beside me, his arm patting me in a comforting manner. "If she dies..." I trail off.

"She won't. She's strong as hell."

"You know I can't go through that again, Liam" I lift my head to face him. He nods his head with a sad smile. Thoughts of last time flash through my head, haunting me till this day.

"I know." He whispers.

"Fuck!" I groan my head falling back. I close my eyes, shutting out the harsh lights from the hospital.

"What the fuck happened out there?" I ask, referring to the attack on the cabins.

Liam runs a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh. "I don't know." He admits.

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