Chapter 17

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I don't own Percy Jackson

Sorry for this being later then the time i was planning and told other's i would update at. I won't go into reasons, i'll just let you read; though please read the author's note under the chapter

Chapter 17

Percy's POV

The remaining Olympians seem to look at each other, Zeus seeming to be terrified at the power I have just shown. Especially as it was something that none thought would be possible, to stop an attack from his strongest weapon. And they realise with only eight immortals remaining, their chances of winning are lessoning every second.

But they seem to forget they have a slight advantage, there are more of them then there are of me and that there is a chance – however small – that they could beat me if they all worked together.

"So," I begin, my tone almost devilish, "your choice of three options. You can surrender or continue to fight me. The other choice links into the second."

"Fight." They all respond similarly.

"Very well." I smirk knowing that most of them are nervous of me now. "Now in this option, there are two ways. One, we just do what we have been doing since the start, I beat you all – though remember, I am not holding back as much now. The second option, oh well, it is more in your favour, I guess. This option, I probably won't hold back as much but, as I said, there is more of a chance of you winning." I pause for a second, knowing that they are all intrigued. "Well, a slightly higher chance of you wining. It's all up to you though, for what option you choose."

"You have not told us what the second option is." Athena responds, her grip on her shield tight.

"Didn't I?" I respond innocently, glancing up at Chaos and the Elite who are trying to work out my plan though are failing, because duh, I am unpredictable. "I thought I did."

"What is the second option?" Hestia asks calmly, seeming to have realised that I will not attack them while I am saying this.

I smirk, mirth and amusement in my eyes, "I fight blindfolded."

They seem to be about to agree, but the two who have recently revealed their strength quickly speak up, "Don't agree to anything yet."

This causes all in the arena to look at them in shock.

"Why would you say to-"

"Athena, shush." Hera snaps, startling the said Goddess.

"He wants us to choose the easiest option." Hestia speaks up causing Athena to come to the same realisation as they already have.

"Mind link." The goddess of Wisdom quickly tells the other seven immortals, carefully watching me tap my fingers against my thigh, getting bored but being as patient as I have been the entire fight.

While they understandably talk to each other telepathically, discussing a plan, I just look around the arena. Looking more carefully than before. Searching for the weak and strong points, the places that would be best to trap another and just anything else that my brain comprehends.

I catch Chaos' eyes and see him sending a look through. Silently asking that I am alright. I just send a look back, telling him I am. I send another look at him, asking him something, well, two things. He obviously thinks for a few minutes before responding with a positive, to both. The elite notice he seems to get excited at what I asked him, but all know better then to ask about it unless we drop hints that they can know.

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