Chapter 18

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I do not own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does.

Chapter 18

As I walk to the centre of the arena, I take the blindfold off. It takes a moment longer than I would have liked, simply because I tied it on in a way where I wouldn't be able to accidently get it off, nor could one of them pull it off my eyes.

Sometimes I do something a little too well, such as with the blindfold. Or when I made those specially made handcuffs after Chaos asked me for ideas, and I kind of tested them on myself – I was not able to get them off even with the key, not until Chaos came and fiddled around with it for about an hour. Handcuffs that would strictly restrict all powers but those that belong to a Creator. Yea, that honestly was not a good day, and I am insanely glad that only Chaos knows of it.

Finally getting the blindfold off, I just let it drop to the ground.

I glance around. Everyone in the stands is watching closely, Chaos is waiting until he is positive that we are ready. I see that Hera and Hestia are further away from the middle of the arena, about fifty meters from where I am. They seem to be quietly whispering to one and another, but I do not try to listen in. I feel as if they are going to trick me if I were to listen in, and I do believe that they are truly talking telepathically.

I take another glance around the arena before nodding to Chaos. He stands briefly.

"Begin." He sits back down.

And the two instantaneously attack.

If I was still a demigod who was really eighteen or so, I most definitely would have been a bit unprepared and struggled against the blows they quickly shoot and aim at me. But I am not that young, I have had thousands upon thousands of years of training, so I am able to easily keep up.

I keep a watch over their movements, carefully taking into account how well they fight, as if they were one. They know the other's movements before they act, and I know that is not from telling the other what they will do seconds before the other. No, it is from the amount of training they have secretly undergone. It is from the intensive practice and long hours that they have worked together, have gone against one and another in their practice duels. And their movements are full of trust in the other, to be there if needed.

I mostly stay on defensive, just getting a true understanding of how far they have come. I know that I won't be able to figure it out in this single duel. It will take months to properly understand how far they have advanced on their own, but this is a good place to start. Along with my completely defensive strategy, I do throw in some of my own offensive moves.

I can tell that, by their actions when I am in this strategy, they are carefully observing me and are taking all my previous words into account. And no matter what they have tried so far, over the past forty-eight minutes since Chaos told us to begin, they have not been able to properly corner me or put the duel to their advantage. And they only keep trying harder.

A thought briefly comes to my mind. That if they weren't Goddesses or weren't restricted by the Ancient Laws and their duties, I would gladly like to invite them to join the Army I command over. Though, it would be worth talking to Chaos about. Who knows, maybe we can create a new section in the Army for immortals such as Gods and Titans that we go to for help on things. They would have insightful knowledge, though I'm quite sure they wouldn't be used to working in such a close group while with one and another. Still, it is something to consider.

I lean to the side slightly, allowing both of their daggers to pass by me. And with this movement, I decide that I will use more offensive movements. Besides, I've gotten a lot of information already from just watching them be on the offense.

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