Chapter 20

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I do not own Percy Jackson or anything from the two series written by Rick Riordan. 

Here's the next update, at 12,400 words. I've had a friend go through it for obvious mistakes, though I have given it one last edit before publishing, and it's now flowing a lot smoother - Thanks again Lily. I certainly would have forgotten a couple things without your feedback. 

Previously on The Invisible Assassin:

I need a break. Badly. I- I am afraid that if I go through much more, something will happen that I cannot come back from.

Though, why does the prophecy say that I have power equal to none? I hope that is figuratively speaking. Truly. It must be, right?

Chapter 20

Pausing briefly, I consider what I have learned afresh. Something I have now been thinking over for several weeks. I know what I need to do, but I still hesitate to knock on the door I stand before.

I know that my friend, my commander, would not be impressed if he were to find out what I am planning to do. No, undeniably not. He would certainly be displeased, as what should be expected. He always puts others before himself and only seldomly takes a break.

But still, I ponder, how many of his breaks are as true as he says? Are they for rest and relaxation? He always seems to be working, never stopping. And for that, I worry for him.

It is the reason as to why I am outside this door, needing to talk to the only one who will be able to make him take a break, to have a rest.

But still, I hesitate. We – the Elite – have learned he doesn't exactly listen to us when we tell him to have a break. He usually just nonchalantly waves us off, says he isn't overworked, that he'll have a break sometime later. It is always a similar answer he gives whenever the subject of him taking a break is breached.

We have all learned it is just easier to take on some of his own duties and responsibilities so that he will find more time to have off. Nevertheless, I don't quite think we realised how much work he must have been doing over the years. This is especially true with the new revelations, however small, he has been revealing that he has kept hidden from us all these years.

Before I do realise it, my mind already having made up its own conclusions, I find myself knocking on the door before me.

There is a slight pause before Chaos answers, seemingly startled that someone would knock at this time, "Come in."

Steeling myself, I quietly slip through the door. It barely makes any noise as I shut it, though still, I wish it made none. After the door has shut, knowing the protections in the room would have activated because of my intent to keep the meeting between us two, I face the Creator.

He sits behind his office desk, made from a type of dark oak, with an eyebrow raised at me.

Set on the desk, there is part of his pile of seamlessly endless paperwork that needs to be completed. Against the white walls are filing cabinets, enchanted to hold much more than the appearance would suggest. Behind him are numerous shelves. These shelves have books and scrolls placed in the priorly-empty spaces, all ancient and, some, holding magical topics - which he rarely, if ever, searches through for the latter. The windows, positioned around the filing cabinets and bookcase, allow daylight to shine into the room, giving it a brighter, and warmer, feel.

Along one of the walls, is a fireplace. It is currently lit, the multi-coloured flames giving off a low crackle. The fire gives off warmth, set at a base temperature, and gives the room an overall warm glow. Floating above the desk is a ball of light, acting as a lamp, that can be moved as directed by the immortal. It is made of a multitude of different shades of white swirling about in a leisurely harmony, giving it a breathtakingly beautiful demeanour. It is made in reminiscence of a star, having most of them same properties, which makes it into an orb of power. The power that went into creating it is sheer, especially for it to still be active after all this time. It is more amazing that the aura coming off of it has not faded, even the slightest, over time; leaving the origins of it in mystery. All Chaos has said about it was that someone, once very close to him, gifted it to him. It is not difficult to see that he misses the individual, more so when he stares at the object wistfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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