Chapter 4

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I don't own Percy Jackson nor any characters you may recognise in this book

If you find any mistakes just comment and let me know, I'll fix it and here is the chapter. 

Percy's POV

Life is great right now. Everyone is starting to freak out. This is because there is a mysterious assassin out and about. This assassin no one knows the identity of, is me. They call me The Invisible Assassin. This is because no one can find me at all when I eliminate monsters.

It's starting to freak everyone out – a lot.

I don't mean everyday mortals, no, they don't know of me and what I do. I just mean Primordials, Titans, Gods, Demigods, Nymphs, Dryads, Harpies, spirits, monsters and even those who are in the universe – though most of them have only heard stories about what I can do. I did do missions in the universe while I was training, but I only got those missions if Chaos was in desperate need of my help or I was getting bored. I do still do those missions sometimes, but not every single day. Maybe, once every month or two.

When I was training under Chaos, I also did do a few missions on Earth so that I would be better prepared to come back after what transpired all those years ago.

I wander who they think is The Invisible Assassin is. I think that they suspect that it is me, though I'm not one hundred percent sure. If they do suspect me, I need a plan. Though I can't think of anything at the moment and I have been thinking this over for a while now.

Ohh, I know, I'll ask Chaos after I set up camp.

I look for a clearing and find one after a few minutes. I quickly set up the camp and go into my tent. My tent can be invisible if I want it to be, what has saved me a few times. From being seen and attacked or just discovered. Now, my tent is a lot bigger on the inside then the outside. I sit down on my couch and MM (Mind Message) Chaos.

'Hey Chaos.' I call.

'Hello Percy. What is it?' Chaos questions and I can detect slight worry in his tone as it is normally something big when I telepathically contact him – if it isn't something big, I just transport myself to where he is.

'I am beginning to believe that everyone thinks that I'm The Invisible Assassin. I don't know what to do. I want to do something to get them to stop thinking I'm the I.A. (short for Invisible Assassin). Do you know what I could do?'

'How about you let a quest group or the Hunters of Artemis spot you, so that they won't be as suspicious.' Chaos puts down after a few moments of thinking.

'That's a good idea Chaos. I'll put that plan into action soon.' I smile, which of course he can't see but I know he can tell that I am as you can't exactly hide emotions through telepathic conversation. 'See you later Chaos.'

'Alright, bye.' Chaos says and cuts the connection.

Time skip one week

Thalia's pov

It's been just over one hundred and forty seven years since anyone last saw my younger cousin Percy. We have thought numerous times that he is dead, but Hades, Nico and Hazel all say that he isn't in the underworld, the place he would go if he were to die. We don't know where he is, but we are really worried – especially Poseidon.

Poseidon looks different then he used to be. He now looks like he would be in his nineties and has greying hair with bags under his eyes all the time. We are worried that he might soon fade if we don't find Percy, or even hear news about him soon. It wouldn't be good if he were to fade. The consequences would be unimaginable to the planet, though there are those who would be able to take over his domains such as his immortal son Triton. Though it would take years to get things worked out if he were to fade.

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