˗ˋ 01

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-: the beginnings :-

CHAPTER ONE✧-: the beginnings :-

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Rhea Lovegood was a new addition to the inhabitants of the London Wizard's shopping area, living in the tiny attic room above of the Apothecary. The woman who owned it, a plump, rosy-cheeked witch by the name of Ferelith Bixby, had offered the room to her almost as soon as they met in the Leaky Cauldron.

Tom, the innkeeper had agreed to let her put up posters around the inn, her father having done him a favour a while ago which resulted in Rhea be able to live there free of charge whilst she looked for her own place to stay as Tom repaid Xenophilius. 

Mrs Bixby was, self-admittedly, on the older side. And quite frankly, she didn't care about Rhea paying rent, just for her to get on her feet and make here own way in the world. All she asked in return was for the freshly-graduated Beauxbatons' student to help out in the shop when her back was particularily bad.

Forever the sweetheart and knowing that this offer was far too generous and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Rhea accepted and began living above the Apothecary, squished into the tiny apartment. 

Everything was squished into this tiny attic, but Rhea didn't mind it one bit. In one corner, a kitchen that consisted of plants spilling out of terracota pots above sage-green cabinets, a tiny fridge right up by the door with a rubbish bin beside it and an oven besides the sink just along a bit. Beside the final cabinet, a window with a view of muggle London which opened up and had planters below it on the outside, and a small circular table in the inside. 

Besides the table was the small living area; a desk and an old, plush velvet couch, the cushions a blush pink and dotted with all sorts of decorative cushions. In front of that was a bookshelf, and the glass door onto the balcony, where a bench and a multitude of plants sat, basking in the sun.

Next to the sofa area was the door into the small bathroom, and pushed into the corner was the rather plush double bed. On one side, a window with another planter beneath it and on the other side a tall shelving unit, overflowing with books and clutter. Far above the bed, which had it's original cover of plain white but covered with patterned blankets and cushions, were a set of shelves, which were most noticeably covered in all sorts of moving pictures, tiny statues and random items between them.

Just by the end of the bed were the big double windows, and beneath that a desk - and more books. On the other side of that, a full-length mirror from Janus Galloglass propped up against the wall, a shoe rack and coat pegs attached to the wall and her front door.

The whole apartment was covered in plant life and moving pictures, as well as some muggle so-called 'fairy lights' attached to the walls. The wooden floorboard were covered in a fluffy rug, and each window was accompanied by a set of mesh curtains, ready to be pulled over the glass as it turned dark.

More often than not, Ferelith's dark brown cat - Clemency - would be found lazing around in the pools of sunlight of the attic, and as well as the rest of the clutter and plants, cat food and water bowls were laid out on the floor. It seemed to smell of that as well as an odd combination of lavender and potions ingredients.

All in all, it was a very bright, cluttered and cosy attic room, sloping roof just above where the windows ended. Below her was the second floor, which had the office for the apothecary and a small living area in case Ferelith found herself staying the night, the ground floor of the Apothecary and beneath that, the basement which was filled with potions ingredients.

Her presence was unusually bright in the slightly grey streets of Diagon Alley, often going out on little errands for Mrs Bixby as Clemency followed her around, wrapping herself around Rhea's ankles as she conversed with the other shop owners.

They were all incredibly friendly, and could always find something for Rhea to help with. Everyone knew of the Lovegoods' reputation - new creature names coming out every week, walking around dreamily and being distached from reality. Rhea seemed to fit that entirely, yet her time at Beauxbatons following the loss of her mother had matured her, and whilst she walked around as if she was in a fantasy world, humming to herself as her feet danced lightly across the pavement - there was something a lot more grounded to her, in comparison to her father and sister.

According to Bidelia Potage, who owned the cauldron shop and had worked on Diagon Alley for many years, it was her mother in her. Bidelia was quite the gossip, and had spotted Rhea as a Lovegood from miles off - watching her mother and father come and go for years, and when Mrs Bixby informed her of Rhea's new residency in her attic, wondering if the rather eccentric usual Lovegood qualities would befall upon her, Mrs Potage had been able to reassure her quite confidently that there was something about Rhea that was much more serious, much more like Pandora.

And with Bidelia being the source of most gossip around the community, news soon spread that Rhea was more like Pandora, and they began to task her with things that she could do - if given to Xenophilius or Luna, would end up taking hours after they got distracted. It was well known that Rhea was looking for a job, and as the only Wizarding shopping district in Britain, anybody would be utterly stupid to deny any extra help. 

It seemed that Rhea would become quite the focus of the residents of Diagon Alley, and it was just a matter of keeping her clear of the entrances Knockturn Alley and which shop she would eventually pick to work at properly. 

None of them would expect her final choice, the newcomers that were setting up shop in the old premises of Eeylops Owl Emporium, which had moved to a slightly larger shop. But Rhea Lovegood was a strange girl.

And nothing she did was ever predicatable.

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