˗ˋ 04

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-: the beginnings :-


. . .

After a night of not-quite sleep, a peculiar and rather alarming croaking sound coming from the nearby Magical Menagerie (it seemed to be a rather large toad that had to be the size of the shop to make a noise that loud) Fred and George had ended up sleeping in the Leaky Cauldron.

Tom had been just about to go to bed himself when they arrived, and with it being so late in the night the twins had been given the only room left. Which was the attic room, and just so happened to be the room above quite possibly the strangest guest staying in the inn; a half-troll. Which meant that their quality of sleep was not exactly better there. But at least they got proper beds instead of mattresses on the floor. 

And the next morning they woke early, breakfasting alongside the half-troll. He was a rather agreeable guy, even if his snoring was louder than the obscenely loud and unnatural toad that they had heard. 

It was approaching eight when they left the Leaky Cauldron, preparing themselves for a rather busy day. They had extra help in the form of Rhea Lovegood, which could only mean that they were going to get as much as physucally possible. 

And before leaving the small flat above the joke shop the previous night, they had written out a short list. First, to finish painting the outside of the shop. Second, dust the flat and begin to set up their basic furniture - they really didn't have anything fancy anyway, just a kitchen/living area, bathroom and a tiny bedroom each. Third, begin to plan the layout for the shop so they could put up displays. And last but in no means least, begin to organise the storage room and tiny office in the back.

It was a lengthy list when they set it out, and it seemed that even with such an early start they would be finishing late in the evening. And if George's rather ingenious plan to convince Rhea to help out just a few more days, then they would get far much more done than they could ever have hoped. 

And it would be quite possible for them to open before they had planned to. With an extra set of hands, it could open way before. Which was why it was so crucial to the pair that George - or the both of them if necessary - could get Rhea to help out even more.

The streets of Diagon Alley were only just beginning to come to life that early in the morning. People were moving their products back out into the street, setting up stands and tables and chairs, flipping the closed sign in their front doors to open.

"Oh perfect!" A warm voice appeared louder than any of the others, and the twins twisted around to see a plump, rosy-cheeked witch dressed in warm yellow robes joined them, walking side beside. "Fred and George Weasley, right? You took over the old premises of Eeylops, right? Number 93 - John was so glad someone had taken it. I'm Ferelith - Ferelith Bixby. I own the Apothecary."

At the name, Fred and George rather quickly caught on to what this conversation would be best, and Fred offered his hand, an easy smile on his face. "Pleased to meet you, Mrs Bixby." He said, George repeating the phrase and offering his own hand for the woman to shake. 

"Oh! You're such gentlemen." Ferelith beamed, before seeming to become more serious. "Rhea came home last night and told me all about how she was going to be helping you out today. I think it was rather pleasant of you to do that. She's been wandering around like a vagrant since she arrived not long ago, doing all sorts of little odd jobs all day long - and it's nice that she managed to get something that will pass a day or so for her."

"It's no problem." George took his turn to speak next. "Quite honestly, we're grateful for any help that we can get. And if she does a good job.. then we could offer something more permanent." 

"That would be brilliant." Mrs Bixby nodded. "She graduated early, you know, couldn't wait to get out into the world. But I'm sure that a little thing like her could easily be taken advantage of. Rhea's bright... but a little dreamy."

"We noticed. And again, it would be absolutely no problem for her to work with us or for us. I daresay we graduated early as well - much less a graduation and more like a graduation - but I'm sure that won't have an effect on our business." Fred's words might have held doubtful connotations, but his nothing-but-confident attitude eased Ferelith's uncertainty at Rhea's future. 

"No matter what it is, I'm glad she's gotten something more permanent to do." Mrs Bixby stopped walking along side them as they reached the junction between streets. "Now, I must be getting back to the Apothecary - we've had a delivery of some rather special ingredients and if any of those get stolen.. well it wouldn't be very good now, would it? Make sure she doesn't overwork herself, it would be preferable for her to be able to make her own way home instead of falling asleep on Mrs Pottage's doorstep like she did a few days go." The woman's face was creased with worry at her own speech, and rose a hand in a wave goodbye to the twins as she bustled back to the her shop. 

Continuing on, Fred and George rounded the corner, and their half-painted shop rose up from the others. And as they approached, George nudged his brother, and their gazes dropped down to the doorstep.

And there, dressed in teal shirt patterned with the same plums that were on her earrings under a pair of plum corduroy dungarees that were rolled up at the ankle to show yellow socks and her hair pulled up into two somewhat wonky pigtails, was Rhea Lovegood. 

Twenty minutes before she was supposed to be there, with one of the fluffiest brown cats either of the boys had ever seen in her lap. And with her head tilted to the side, resting against the half-painted orange doorframe, Rhea was fast asleep.

dedicated to my fave twins,
happy birthday!

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