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-: the beginnings :-


. . .

Both twins were far too tired to comprehend what the hell she was saying, but got the general gist of it and pushed the door open further, trudging back up the brightly painted staircase to their living area.

It seemed they would be having an early morning that day, not that they could complain really - they might be tired, but they had a lot to do and it wouldn't get done with them lounging around in bed.

Rhea had followed behind them, far more awake than either of the twins, sitting on their couch back straight and ankles crossed, hands covered in the old wool of the knitted sweater she had so hastily tugged on.

She would go home in a short while and changhe, but now it appeared to be far more important to wait for Fred and George to wake up properly and get dressed and have this conversation with them.

Water was running from one room whilst Fred was in his bedroom, humming to himself as he forced himself to make the bed, a pile of clothes and a towel waiting for when George finished in the bathroom. Then, this swapped, neither of them noticing that the Lovegood girl had stood up from her position on the couch, crossing over to the small kitchen area.

There, she extracted a number of things from the cupboards and fridge, and five minutes later the pleasant smell of morning cooking wafted through the apartment. Not too long after that and both Fred and George were slumped in their chairs by the table, plates of scrambled eggs and toast in front of them.

"And.. coffee." Rhea smiled, placing the two mugs on either side of the plates, sitting down on the third chair and balancing her elbows on the table, propping her chin on her palms. "I'm sorry for barging in so early.. I couldn't sleep. I think my apartment's a hotspot for Wrackspurts." She added as an after thought.

"I'm sure it is." George took a sip of his coffee and sighed, offering a smile to the girl as he began to tuck into the food. "Don't worry about it, we should wake up earlier anyway."

"Yeah... besides I've always wanted to see the London sunrise." Fred gestured towards the window. "Or the ends of one, anyway." He smiled over at Rhea, always trying to make the best of things. 

Silence filled the room, Rhea making her own cup of coffee and sipping on it, not particularily bothered by this as the others ate. She was content, happy that she had managed to tell them that she did want to take the job offer, even though it was so close to April 22nd and she still wasn't that sure of what she would be doing there.

Eventually, George ate the last forkful of the eggs and left behind the tought corner of crust on his toast, rising from his seat and placing the washing up in the sink, swearing he would do it later on. 

He turned back to the two, watching the pretty Lovegood girl carefully for just a moment, noticing how her eyes seemed to daze out of focus, staring at a particular point on the wall across from her, or find a particularly pretty bit of the sunset to focus on.

"So when you said you want the job." He spoke as the returned to his seat, leaning back against the wooden back and feeling small ridges dig into his back. "Do you really mean it."

"I'm not particularly good at lying." Rhea admitted with a smile. "Or being cruel, so yes, I mean it. Lying is supposed to attract Nargles, you know?"

"Oh sure, yeah. Nargles." Fred nodded. He didn't have the heart to mention that if Nargles were real then he and George would've been bombarded by millions of them by now. "But that's good, I think you'll have a good time here."

"Because we're certainly planning on it." George added. "Don't worry - we're going to make sure that you don't regret agreeing to work here. It will be as fun as we can make it, and you're going to be right by our sides."

"Really?" Rhea had a soft smile on her features as she looked between them. "But I don't mind if it's boring at all. I'm just happy to work here.. seeing as I graduated early and all my friends are still in school and I don't know anyone here."

"So it's perfect!" Fred wasn't particularly good with dealling with sudden changes in mood from happy to sad, so he covered it with loud words. "We can discuss all the actually boring things later on.. but maybe you should go change and then come back and we can get to work?" 

"Oh - I actually have a couple of snacks for Clover." The mention of Rhea returning to the attic of the Apothecary seemed to have reminded George of something, as he darted out of his seat and to the fridge, pulling out a small tupperware. "And for Clemency, I expect. It's just some meat scraps, but I thought they would like it."

"I'm sure they would." Rhea smiled down at the box before looking back up at them. "I'll be back soon - I promise."

And just as quickly as the Lovegood whirlwind had gotten there, she was gone.

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