Chapter 4

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On Monday, I hear that Nathan and Lucas fought during some English classes they share. Those two are incredible, you can't let them be in the same room without them fighting with words or punches.

"I've heard you're a bottom." I tease Nathan while we're buying ice cream at the market.

"Shut up, Tay." Nathan glares at me. "I was not."

"Sure thing." I laugh at his face. "Why did you two fought about this time? Dan? Peyton?"

"Both actually."

"That's a combo." I say in a fake cheerful voice. "Seriously though, what's going on your mind? Every time it comes to Lucas, you're getting out of control."

"I don't know it's just like he wants to take everything I have. My spot on the team, my girlfriend, my dad." Nathan explains.

"He just tries to leave his life, Nate. You're leaving in the same town; you have the same dad and you're good at the same sport. Maybe you're not that different after all." I point out.

"Don't you dare, Tay. I swear it's the most insulting thing you've ever said to me." Nathan glares hardly at me.

"Truth hurts, Nate. Truth hurts." I tap his shoulder softly and go to the exit paying for the ice cream.

We drive to his house and spend the afternoon relaxing while playing 2K. It feels good to pretend nothing has changed in our world and to just be two teenagers having fun for once in a while.

"I missed this." Nathan says.

"Yeah, me too." I chuckle. "Between sports, school and girlfriends, we don't really have free time, right?"

"About that, are you still close to Brooke?" Nathan asks.

"Yes, but nothing like a love story." I explain.

"I still can't believe she will turn lesbian for your ass." He laughs slightly.

"Me neither." I join the laugh. "Honestly, when I came out last year, I was really scared but today, it just seems to be a normal thing around here."

"You're right. I remember the day you told me."

"Do you?" I frown.

"You came here after soccer practice, you were crying. At first, I thought your parents were dead or maybe you didn't score a goal." He teases.

"Jerk." I glare at him and he laughs.

"And then, you started to tell me about all the good times we've had. All the struggles we've faced together, all the tears, all the laughs, you've told me you loved me, but you loved girls more. I've never been so relieved in my life."

"Why?" I chuckle at the confession.

"I thought you were in love with me, dude. I couldn't lose my best friend for some ugly feelings." Nathan admits.

"Lucky me, I've never been attracted to you, then." I laugh and he fakes pouting.

"Don't know what I'd do without you, Tay." He hugs me.

"Surely training more." I say jokingly. "Dan would have said that."

"Pretty sure he would. And I should start doing so if I don't want to die tonight. He'll be pissed enough about the fight." Nathan remembers.

"I'll go. Take care, big man." I hug him one last time and leave.

While I get home, my phone rings and the ID showing up is not one I would have loved to see. Mom. I take a deep breath and answer.

"Taylor Harrison, what can I do for you?" I fake a professional ton.

"Hello to you too, daughter." Emma Parker-Harrison's voice echoes in the phone. "I'm so honored you picked up your phone this time."

"I've missed your calls once, Mom, get over it." I roll my eyes.

"Once is already too much." Her tone is harsher than before. "The reason I'm calling today is your father is coming home soon and I need you to look through his belongings."

"What the hell?"

"He's cheating on me, I know it, and you'll find out why and with who." She commands.

"Do I look like a cop to you, Mom?" I get aggressive.

"No, but you'll do it anyway." Bitchy tone.

"Look, I'm sorry but that will not happen. If you want to find out, you should try to actually talk to Dad. Maybe you'll find out you're the reason why he is cheating after all. Who would blame him, huh? It's not like you've been a role model during your years at Congress."

"Taylor Romy Harrison, don't you dare talking about it again." She is angry.

"Yeah, and you, don't you dare asking something like this ever again. Your problems aren't mine problems and if you can't grow up to solve them, I surely won't either."

I hang up the phone and decide to stay alone for the night. The next day, during an English class about Hemmingway ways of thinking, the teacher asks us to write one single word to describe what we want most in our lives right now. Hard one but one word comes quickly to my mind. PEACE. No more drama, no more Dad and Mom drama, no more Lucas and Nathan drama, no more Nathan and Peyton drama.... Just PEACE.

I'm walking near the soccer field, looking at the beautiful quiet in the place, but someone disturbs the quiet.

"Hey there, T." Lucas smiles at me. "Long time no talk."

"Hey Luke." I smile back. "You're right. I've seen Haley not so long ago though. You weren't at the Café, surely too busy training to beat Nathan's ass."

"Look, T. I'm sorry it has to be that way with Nathan. I can guess it's not easy for you too." He almost apologizes.

"Nothing I can do about it, Luke." I shrug.

"What did you write on your paper? If that's not too much asking." Lucas wonders.

"Peace." I state and he looks at me weirdly. "What about you?"

"Answers." He smiles sadly.

"You know, Lucas, some things can't be explained. And maybe you feel like you need answers now because you can't see the biggest picture. But once you'll find that eventually, and that you'll find something that is more important to you than those answers, they'll come to you in an unexpected way." I tell him and he tries to get my point.

"Does it mean I have to focus on something else to find answers to my current problems?" Lucas chuckles.

"Kind of. It mostly means that answers come by themselves, their rules, their times. Don't rush them, don't avoid them. Anything you need to know, you'll know." I wink and walk to my car.

Best Of Both Worlds (Brooke Davis / OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon