Chapter 31

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Back at school, the world seems different again. Brooke and Peyton are back on speaking terms, they both give Lucas the cold shoulder and all the sports players are under pressure. Playoffs, finals, trophies. This is what is next for all of us.

"Hey, Tay!" Nathan runs behind me.

"What's up, Superstar? Ready for the playoffs?" I hit his shoulder softly.

"I'm always ready, champ." He chuckles. "Are you going to bring us your second State Trophy in two year?"

"I hope so." I smile.

"How are you dealing with all of it?" He asks with concern.

"Dealing with what?"

"Julie leaving after Spring Break." Nathan surely knows it's complicated for me.

"I try not to think about it too much." I admit sadly. "I'm going to miss her big time."

"I can imagine, she had a big impact on you this year."

"For sure, she helped me see the biggest picture. She made me grow up a lot." I smile.

"She prevents you from being in between all our dramas too." Nathan sighs remembering his night in custody.

"How was your Saturday night?" I tease.

"Awesome." He fakes a smile. "But I'm getting closer to Lucas, so maybe it's a good thing."

"I would love to see this." I wink at him.

"We're spending tomorrow afternoon together, want to come?" He offers.

"Nah, I'll let you enjoy your brotherhood building." I chuckle. "Will Haley be at your apartment?"

"I think so, she is working on her English exam, she might need company."

I nod and we both go to our practice. The next day, I arrive at Nathan's all smile out happy to see Haley alone for the first time since a long time.

"What's up, Hales?" I hug her.

"Nothing." She seems upset.

"Ouch, seeing you lie to my face hurts a lot." I chuckle and make her look at me.

"Do you watch porn?" She asks and I explode in laughter. "Not funny, Tay."

"It is funny, Hales. Why should I watch porn when I barely have time to make out with my girl?" I giggle.

"Well, Nathan finds the time apparently." She shows me his screen.

"Oh..." I stop laughing. "Well, he's a man."

"Does it make it any better?" She glares at me.

"No, not really." I sigh. "But you should talk to him about it. Maybe it's a way to not pressure you into sex."

"Well, it's pressuring me, T." Hales sighs loudly. "I'm scared I will never meet his expectations. I'm new and inexperienced, how do you want me to be like them?"

"Sure as hell he doesn't want you to be, Hales." I side hug her reassuringly. "He knows it's a big deal for you. He just wants it to be magical for you and him together for the first time."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well, Nate is my best friend, I know him well. He watches porn since as long as I can remember, even when he was with Peyton. Not sure she knows about it though."

"Should I talk to her?" Haley wonders.

"If it can make you feel better, then yes." I smile. "Don't overthink that."

"Yeah..." Haley hugs me tightly and the door opens revealing happy Lucas and Nathan.

"That's my cue." I kiss Haley's temple and walk to the door. "Lucas, come with me."

"Sure." He exits the apartment with me. "What's up?"

"Couple problems." I sigh. "How are you?"

"Just found out Dan wanted shared custody..." Lucas frowns.

"Your mom didn't want to?" I ask.

"Nope, she wanted to protect me or something, but now I feel like I've been living a lie my entire childhood."

"That's tough to handle, but I'm sure you're going to find a way out of it." I send a small smile to him. "What do you think about Dan being your coach for the end of the season?"

"What?" He chokes.

"I thought you knew." I chuckle. "Whitey told Coach Jones who told us we were lucky to have him."

"And to say I thought it couldn't be worse..." He sighs and we walk to Karen's Café.

            Later that week, I decide to go to Peyton's house because it's been quite some time since we've really talked. I find her laying on her bed sadly.

"I knew I could be helpful to someone today." I say leaning against the frame of her door.

"Oh, god, Tay. I'm so happy to see you." She stands and comes to me.

"I'm glad to see you too, P. Sawyer." I chuckle while she hugs me. "How are you?"

"Not good..." She admits. "My dad left with Jake and Jenny. Lucas came to apologize again. Brooke and I are still fragile. Haley keeps getting scared about Nathan even if he has never been so good to someone and I'm not seeing you anymore."

"Wow, lots of things going on." I tease and she chuckles hitting my shoulder playfully.

"What about you?" She wonders sitting happily on her bed.

"Well, semi-finals in two days, state final next week if we win, and then, Julie will leave for college and I'll be broken-hearted." I chuckle.

"I'm here for you, Tay." Peyton says with a small smile. "If you need anything."

"I'll think about it." I smile back. "Being broken-hearted together could be something fun."

"Definitely." She rolls her eyes. "Let's make a deal."

"Go on, what do you have in mind?" I smirk.

"Since now, whatever happens to us, we'll stick together." She hands me her pinky.

"Promise." We do a pinky promise.

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