Chapter 10

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Sunday afternoon with my Dad always had been fun. Sports, video games, pizzas on the couch for dinner. And for once in a long time, today he is there to do it all with me. Once Brooke goes home, I quickly change into some sportswear and wait for him to be ready.

"You didn't forget." He smiles seeing me in the driveway.

"How could I?" I smirk. "Being up at 9 for a run on a Sunday is a nightmare when you're a ten-year-old girl."

"But now you're the fastest player of your championship, right?" He asks and I nod. "So, say thank you Daddy and get ready for the run of your life."

He knows I like a challenge so, when he starts running, I follow him with ease. We run for almost an hour giving each other updates on our lives and we end up fighting for the win. I manage to be the first one in front of the door by five seconds.

"You're getting old, Dad." I tease.

"And you're getting fast, young lady." He breathes out loudly.

We stretch and do some abs exercises before going to the shower, then we find ourselves in the garden looking at what used to be my playground.

"Do you miss it sometimes?" I wonder.


"My childhood, do you miss it? Hearing Mom calling us for lunch, playing hours and hours the three of us here in the playground, watching TV and eating pizzas on Sunday nights..." I remember the old good days. "Do you miss us as a family? Because I do."

"I do too, Taylor. And I wish your mother and I could be here more often, but life decided otherwise and we're trying our best, so you won't need anything." He explains.

"I understand and I'm thankful for that, but honestly, sometimes, I just wish I could come home to a real family. Having my parents asking me how my day was, who I've been with during lunch, what I learned during classes, what my coach told me about my training...."

"It's going to change, Taylor, I promise. I didn't want to tell you yesterday, but I'm planning on staying here for a while. Actually, I've found an interesting deal near Tree Hill and I'll be there for quite some time." He smiles.

"Please, don't joke about it." I smile back widely.

"All true, love." He hugs me and I almost cry in his arms.

"I'm so happy to have you back!" I jump in excitement. "Does Mom know though?"

"She'll find out somehow." He shrugs and I chuckle.

"I have to tell Nathan about it!"

I go to my room and take my phone. I start to tap Nathan's number when I remember last night and his terrible behavior. I stop what I was doing and just go for a walk. After an hour, I find myself in a little park and I hear someone talking to me.

"And to say you love to call me the lonely one." Peyton teases and sits next to me.

"Funny Peyton, what a chance!" I tease back and she chuckles.

"Why are you doing here alone, Tay?" She asks.

"I'm thinking." I sigh.

"Wow must be deep then. I can hear your brain screaming from here." She laughs.

"Do you think Nathan will change one day? I mean, will he ever stop being an ass?" I wonder.

"I hope, yes. I won't be the one getting the bright side though." She states.

"Did you break up with him?" I frown.

"Yeah, he hasn't told you?" She frowns back.

"He called. I didn't answer."

"You're mad at him because of the party, right?"

"Of course, I am." I play with my middle finger ring. "Did you see the look on his face? He was a happy man, Peyton. I can't stand his behavior."

"Same here. And he seems to have a thing for the tutor girl. Or maybe he is just playing around." Peyton comments.

"With Haley?" I try to understand. "Really?"

"He brought her home last night, with my car." Peyton chuckles.

"Oh god... Nathan..." I say desperate about my best friend behavior. "You know what? I'm going to see him. He needs to face the truth."

"I agree. Be careful, Taylor."

"You too, P. Sawyer."

We hug and go on our ways. I can't believe it. Nathan and Haley. I hope it's not a joke and that Nathan will be good to her or else, I'll beat his ass up. I walk to the Scott House I know so well, and I knock on the door. Deb opens it with a surprise look.

"Taylor? What a pleasure! It's been so long!" She hugs me and makes me enter the house.

"Didn't know you were home, Miss Scott!" I say looking at the blond woman.

"I came back yesterday; I haven't seen you at the game." She states.

"Yeah, I had an away game at the same time..." I smile sadly. "Next time, I'll try to be there."

"I bet." She smiles. "Anyway, Nathan is in his room, you can go."

"Thank you very much." I smile.

I make my way to Nathan's room and find him on his bed looking at an old necklace he gave to Peyton.

"Heard it's over for real." I softly say with a sad smile.

"Hey, Tay." He sits up quickly. "I'm glad you came here. I'm very sorry and I shouldn't have done it. I should have listened to you from the beginning. I'm a jerk, I'm an ass, and I don't want you to hate me for that."

"Stop rambling, Nate." I sigh. "Stop apologizing if you don't do things to change afterwards, stop saying you should listen to me when you don't give a damn about what I'm telling you... Honestly, Nathan, you're my best friend, I love you with all my heart but yesterday, it just reminded me of Dan and his ways to destruct people. This is not the Nathan I know, and I want the real Nathan to come back."

"I promise, he'll be there. Around you alone first and maybe some others after that. But give me time, Tay. Please, give me time to become a better person. I will and I'll find a way to make it last." He seems honest.

"Start to be honest on one point and we'll see for the rest." I glare at him.

"Ask away."

"What's going on between you and Haley?"

"Nothing.... Yet." He admits.

"Do you want to get close to her only to mess with Lucas?" I eye him suspiciously.

"At first, surely yes. But, seeing how you talk about her and how nice she has been with me... I might want her in my life for real..." He looks at the floor.

"Don't mess with her, Nate. She's a good one and I'll be on her side all the way up. So, be careful." I point at him.

"I will." He smiles and hugs me. "I've missed you, Tay."

"I bet you did." I chuckle and sit on his bed.

"What's up in your life?" Nathan wonders.

"Dad's home." I state. "He wants to stay for a while."

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you. I know you've been missing him for a while now." Nate hugs once more. "Did you cry?"

"Nope." He looks at me with his "I don't believe you" face. "Almost." I confess. "I just hope he's not lying this time."

"I'm sure he is not. He doesn't need to lie anymore, you're not eight or something."

"I truly hope so."

We talk for a little longer and I head home where my dad is waiting for me with some pizzas and a good movie. Best night in years.

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