Chapter 18

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A/N : Introduction of a new character ;) I picture her as Alessia Russo but it can be anyone you love.

I'm at practice doing some finishing exercises when I hear a loud cheer coming from the bleachers. No one is coming here usually so I'm surprised. I turn my head and see Nathan, Lucas and Jake cheering for me.

"Got yourself some fans, Harrison." My co-captain Julie says.

"Basketball has been cancelled, they don't even know what soccer looks like, they've must be lost." I chuckle and focus back on my training.

            Julie and I are really close, she is older than me, but we share the same values and dreams, so it's easy to get along. She is maybe the girl I'm closer with outside my usual friends.

At the end of our training, I walk to the guys and they call me loudly. We laugh for a bit and they leave telling me Haley wanted to see me. So, after practice, I go to the Karen's Café. I sit and Haley walks to me happily.

"Hey, I needed your help and I still do, but not so much." Haley says making me laugh.

"What is it all about?"

"I've asked Peyton to design something for the open mic night." She explains.

"Okay, so what's wrong? And what open mic night?" I ask.

"Well, we are organizing an open mic night at the Café and I'm scared to go to Peyton's house alone." Haley scratches the back of her head.

"Really?" I tease. "Peyton's the sweetest, you know?"

"Maybe, yet, I'm scared. Can you drive me there?"

"Of course, let's go."

            We drive to Peyton's house and I lead Haley to the only place Peyton could be, her room.

"Hey, blondie." I knock on the door. "We are here to make your day brighter."

"You're the worst, Tay." Peyton chuckles.

"You know it's not true." I point at her and she winks at Haley.

"Anyway, are you done with the design?" Haley asks.

"Sure, that's it." She hands the design to Haley and I'm impressed.

            Then, Brooke calls, and Peyton finds a way out of whatever plans Brooke had in mind. I fake a smile at the camera knowing Brooke is watching us and we leave with Haley and Peyton.

"Still not talking to Brooke?" Peyton asks.

"No, not necessarily no talking but she's busy with Lucas and I'm busy with soccer, friends and parents." I explain.

"So, nothing to do with your fight at Dan's party?" Peyton asks.

"Nope, that's behind us. She made it up to Haley and Nathan, so it's fine by me." I smile to Haley. "What about you? Are you hiding from her?"

"Kind of. Seeing them together is killing me, Tay." Peyton admits.

"I know and I'm really sorry about it." A little blank takes place in the car until we park. "Girls, I think I'll go home, I need to talk to my parents. See you."

            I quickly leave and I go home. I've realized how much I actually need to talk to them, and I don't want to miss the opportunity. Once I'm home, I find nobody in the living room, so I just go upstairs and find my mom on my bed playing with my favorite bear.

"Can we talk?" I ask unsure.

"Yeah... I was waiting for you, actually." She smiles a bit.

"What's going on?" I frown.

"I'm leaving tonight." She states. "But before leaving, I need to apologize. Your dad and I talked a lot lately and you were right. I was the problem. I've put you two aside, I've been working so hard that I've forgot what is truly important to me, my family. Your Dad showed me your highlights DVD from last season, and I've realized I haven't seen you played in ages..."

"Mom..." I try.

"No, please. Let me finish." She walks to me. "Taylor, I'm so proud of you and the woman you've become. I'm sorry you had to face life on your own, but you did great. Your grades are extremely good, your coach is super happy about you, your friends can really count on you, your Dad told me what you did for him to be able to play basketball again... all those things made me realize how much I'm missing by being away... I want to get to know you, Taylor. That's why this trip will be my last. I'm coming back to Tree Hill, and your Dad is staying too. We're going to be a family again."

            She hugs me and I cry like a little baby. I've been dreaming about this for so long... We're going to be a family again.

I decide to spend the afternoon with my mom and then, I go to the Karen's Café. I park and walk to the entrance when I see Peyton and Brooke talking. Peyton seems to need help a bit, so I go to them.

"Peyton?" I say behind Brooke making her turn to me. "Are you going inside or?"

"Yeah, just a minute." She seems to recover from her past talk. "You're right, Brooke. It's the whole third-wheel thing. I guess... I just missed you."

            Liar. I chuckle to myself waiting for Peyton to join me as she talks to Brooke. Third wheel thing? Is Brooke really blind to reality? The girls come to me while side hugging and I open the door for them.

"Thanks, stranger." Brooke winks at me.

"Anything for you girls." I smile at them.

            I walk to the bar and see Jake standing here with Jenny. I love that baby girl, she is the sweetest and since Jake's parents has been great friends of mines, I basically know her since her birth.

"Hi, you gorgeous." I play with her little hands.

"I wish you would greet me the same way." Jake jokes and I hug him.

"What are you up to, Jagielski?" I ask. "Since when does Jenny have road trip on evening like that?"

"Lucas told me I shouldn't be ashamed to show her to the world." Jake shrugs.

"He's right, he knows a lot about that..." I send a small smile. "Are you going to sing?"

"Of course, yes. Wouldn't miss the opportunity." He winks and I leave him with Jenny.

            I sit next to Peyton innocently and she puts her head on my shoulder.

"Third wheel, huh?" I tease and she sighs. "Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

"She's happy, I can't do that to her."

"What about you, P? Are you happy?" I wonder.

"The happiest I am is around you lately." She admits and I chuckle.

"Better find yourself a boyfriend quickly then, or else I'll be stuck with your tortured ass." I laugh.

"I hate you so much." She laughs too.

"You okay?" Haley joins after Jake started to sing.

"Yeah..." Peyton hesitates but send a small smile to the girl.

            I hug Haley and she goes back to work. Peyton lets her head on my shoulder, and we look at Brooke and Lucas who look back at us with a smile. During the song, I can see Peyton looking at Jake. This is why I decide to play Cupid at the end of it.

"You should actually talk to him, he is great." I whisper and push her to him.

"Tay, the hell?" She looks at me and I wink pointing at Jake.

            They do look cute together. Nathan comes to me and asks me to join all the boys at the park which I gladly accept. We have fun for the rest of the night. This is a spirit I would like to get used to.

Best Of Both Worlds (Brooke Davis / OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora