Chapter 30

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As we storm out of the apartment, I see Brooke looking at me sadly and I glare at her slightly. She always finds a way to mess things up. We leave the place and I think I see Nathan arriving right after I drive away. Poor Nate...

"Your friends are messed up, Tay." Julie sighs looking through the window.

"Don't tell me." I growl clenching my hand around the wheel.

"I'm glad I'm going to college honestly." Julie confesses. "Far from that high school bullshit."

"Lucky you." I frown. "How am I supposed to live without you in here, Julie?"

"You'll find a way, love." She caresses my cheek. "You're stronger than you know and if you really need some fresh air, you can always run to me, UNC is not that far."

"True..." I sadly smile.

Julie gives me instructions to get the place she has set up for us. She tells me to park near the beach and once I'm done, she comes to my side of the car and she blindfolds me.

"Kinky, I like that." I smirk.

"Dirty mind, I like that." I can feel her smirk while she is ghosting my lips.

"Tease." I growl.

"Follow me." She whispers and takes my hand.

She leads me for a minute or so, and when she takes off the blindfold, I see a beautiful space on the beach with some drinks and food.

"Wow, who knew Julie Powell could be such a romantic girl?" I chuckle.

"I really want you to know how important you are for me, Tay." She smiles.

"It's a magnificent way to do it." I smile back and kiss her lips softly.

"Want some wine?" She offers and I nod. "To us." She raises her glass.

"To us." We look at each other eyes lovingly and drink together.

We spend the night laughing and telling each other stories of our past. I tell her how I've met Nicki and how she left Jake alone, I tell her about how I've become friends with Haley at the tutoring center and then, with Lucas at the Café. We talk about Peyton and Brooke, how things will work between them and how bad Lucas acted with the two of them.

"You know I'm very glad my first love is as great as you are." I admit.

"I'm your first love?" Julie seems surprised.

"Yes, you're my first real relationship, you know." I scratch the back of my head. "I've never been with someone I love before and you make me believe love can be a good thing."

"You know what? I wasn't sure if I should show you this or not, but I think it's a good idea." Julie smiles and takes a paper in her purse.

"What is it?" I narrow my eyes.

"Every year with the girls, we write 5 things we want to do during the year." She explains. "These are mine."

"Isn't it bad luck?" I chuckle.

"Nope, these aren't wishes." Julie hands me the piece of paper.

"Fine, let me see, then." I read. "1) Being State Champions. We're working on it, babe." She chuckles. "2) Graduate. Logical. 3) Be accepting to UNC or at least Duke. Dream big baby."

"Always, you know it." She smiles.

"4) Being proud of who I am." I say thoughtfully. "Are you?"

"Well, beginning of the year, kind of but now, totally." She admits.

"Why?" I giggle at her confession.

"Read the last thing to do." She winks at me.

"5) Growing some balls and ask Taylor Harrison out." I blush as I read it. "Well, you managed that very well."

"And I'm very happy I did it." She looks right in my eyes. "At first, I thought you were only interested in having fun, seeing each other from time to time, I thought you were in love with Brooke and that there was no way for me to make my way to your heart."

"Oh, come on." I chuckle. "You're awesome, Julie. Look at what happened tonight, do you really believe I would waste my time with Brooke when she can't be anything else than a bitchy baby, while I have you in my life?" She rolls her eyes. "Don't do that, it's true. You don't even understand how you made me grow up, babe. I've learnt so many things with you, you showed me how to love someone truly. You're fierce, calm, you trust me, and you can be trusted. You don't care about all the drama around you, you kept me from going mad more than once, and I'm really wondering how I will do without you."

"I'm really going to miss you, Taylor Harrison." Julie sighs and kisses my temple softly. "Promise me you will think about UNC when it comes to college."

"I'll think of you, for sure." I smirk and she chuckles. "I'll miss you too."

We hug in front of the ocean for most of the night before ending the night at her place.

Best Of Both Worlds (Brooke Davis / OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora