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"Marla, I have a surprise," the man says over the phone, as he and his brother's fishing boat heads toward the dock.

"Oh?" his wife replies.

"We caught something you'll like."

"Something for the tank?"

"No," he chuckles. "This one's a bit too big."

"Jed, the last time, you brought that sea turtle home and it got out and laid eggs in our garden."

He smiles, remembering. "You have to admit, it was fun watching all of the baby turtles crawl out from under the gardenias. Made a heck of a story."

"Toss it back, Jed."

"It's not a turtle this time. Trust me, you'll like this one. Get the pool ready."

"Why'd I ever let you convince me to get a saltwater pool instead of chlorine?"

He smiles. "Because it's better for the environment. I have to go, Mick and I are almost at the dock. Love you. See you when we get home."

"I love you too. Bye."

He hangs the phone up and smiles.

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