16- Guilty

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I put my phone down, my culpability spreading through my chest like spilled juice.

"Well," I start, looking at the guys. "We're in."

"You're sure Brevity's dad is the one who netted them?" Luca asks cautiously, darting a look at the one in the wheelchair.

I exchange glances with Sebastian. "Yeah."

I yawn. I didn't sleep too much last night. I'm not restless or anything... it's just that me and S stayed up late last night, not talking but rather... exchanging information. Showing each other what our lives are, learning about our different worlds. It's strange. We've only known each other for a day, and in one night, we've come to understand each other better than anyone else in the world.

Our clashing thoughts and emotions aren't so jarring anymore. Seeing and hearing his mind isn't as distracting. After last night, our thoughts kind of just... flow. Like we're one person, one mind. It's hard to explain.

"And you think he's keeping her at his house?"

I shrug. "I don't know, it's a start."

"And who's going to be the one checking his basement?"

"I never said she was in the basement."

"Well, she won't be somewhere his family would find her.  Unless they know?"

I open my mouth, but falter. He's right. The girl could be anywhere and we have no way of knowing what we need to know.

I feel so guilty using my friend to search her house.

"Could we get Houdini here to read her mind?"

I look at Sebastian. He shows me the memory of him touching my forehead the first time we met.

"He'd need physical contact to make the connection," I say, looking back at Luca.

"They could 'accidentally' bump into each other."

"It'll be a little difficult for him to accidentally face palm her."

"I guess."

"We'll figure it out."

We're both silent for a moment, thinking.

"Hey, Julie?"

I look at him. "What?" I don't like his worried tone.

"If you and Sebastian recognized Mr. Kriss, do you think he recognized Sebastian?"

My smile collapses like a chair without the screws.

"And," he continues, "if he did... he knows we know."

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