Chapter 70

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Every time Castiel has woken up since he got here, at least half the household has also been up. That's what makes it so weird when he heads to the kitchen and the only ones there are John and Ellen. He hasn't talked to them much and he's been fairly content with that, but it would be pretty weird to just turn around and go back to sleep so he doesn't have much of a choice.

"Wow," Ellen says, "you look shockingly okay this morning."

Castiel cocks his head to the side, squinting. "Thank you?"

"Dean woke up and went straight for the Advil," John explains.

Castiel chuckles. "I'm not surprised. They drank a lot last night." Dean did seem to be the least drunk, though, so if he's hungover, Castiel pities everyone else who played those drinking games.

"Not you, huh?" John says.

Castiel shakes his head. "Never been much of a drinker."

"Good on you," John says,

"There are leftover cinnamon rolls in the fridge, by the way," Ellen tells him. him. "Get 'em before someone else eats them -- and by 'someone else' I mean Dean or Ash."

Castiel waves that off. He loves a good cinnamon roll, but they're not as good two days in a row. It ruins the specialness factor. And besides, he's sure Dean and Ash are going to appreciate it much more than he would. Anything to distract from the hangover, right?

"So what's next for you?" John asks, which is how most people attempt to make small talk with him these days. "Got another movie in the works?"

"TV show, actually," Castiel says. "I start filming next month."

Ellen apparently already knew that -- she probably has to keep up with where he's going to be because it affects where Jo is going to spend her time -- because she says to John, "Didn't Dean tell you? He's gonna be in that 'Wayward Girls' show Dean's obsessed with."

Castiel bites back a laugh. Well, that's close, but not quite what it's called. He has to admire the fact that she refers to it as "the show Dean's obsessed with," though -- and he admittedly finds the idea of Dean being obsessed with a show called "Wayward Girls" infinitely funnier than he should.

"Oh, right, he did mention that," John recalls. To Castiel, he adds, "Dean tries to keep me up-to-date about what way too many people are doing. It's hard to keep it all straight."

It's hard to keep him straight at all.

Oh, how he longs for the day he can make gay puns in front of whoever he wants -- a day that will likely never come, but he can dream. At least he can make gay jokes with Charlie, though. What more does he need in life?

Instead, Castiel keeps his response nice and polite with, "I can only imagine. I know Dean's got a lot of friends to keep track of." Dean's always looked like an overly-social guy, and Castiel has to respect it, even if he can't relate.

"I don't know how he does it," John agrees. "Now, I think Dean tried to explain this to me once and he lost me 30 seconds in, so I'm going to try again. Who are you playing? What does he do?"

"I don't know how Dean explained it," Castiel says, though he wouldn't be surprised if Dean tried to summarize the entire show just to explain how Lucifer is going to play into it, "but simply put, I'm playing the devil." His poor family is never going to recover when they find that one out.

"Huh." John chuckles. "You are the last person I would pin as the devil type, but I gotta admit, it does make me want to watch the show now."

"That would be the goal," Castiel tells him. "I'm just hoping viewership will bump enough to get the show another season."

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