Chapter 39

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Charlie sent a video.

Ah, shit. What is it this time?

Castiel checks his messages to find a video of... a bar? Confused, he decides to check it out, but he can't make out much of what he's seeing at first. Fortunately, a familiar voice steps in to help him out.

"I'm honestly half convinced that this Lee dude got him drunk just to make this happen," Sam remarks. "Behold, Dean bringing back his drunk karaoke, with no idea that I got my phone back."

Now that he knows what's happening, he can make out the little people on the screen a lot easier. Dean's up on some little stage with another guy, probably around the same age and just as hot. Castiel's gay thoughts apparently betrayed him, because he thought this was going to be a great video of two hot guys getting drunk and blessing his ears. Instead, it's a video of two drunk guys singing Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."

Castiel can barely make it through the first verse before he gives up and decides to voice his anger about Charlie directly to here.

Castiel: You really had me thinking this was something really good and then BAM you fucking rickrolled me wtf

Charlie: Did you even finish it

Castiel: God no

Charlie: Ughhhh I gotta do all the hard work around here huh

Castiel: ???

Charlie doesn't respond, which is just about her usual level of frustrating. Castiel sighs and lies back down in bed. One day, she's going to actually tell him when she's disappearing, and that will be a wonderful day for mankind.

And then she's back a few minutes later with a much shorter clip from the middle of the song, with both Lee and Dean having way too much fun. Castiel sighs, but he has to watch it if he doesn't want to incur the fury of a Charlie scorned.

He doesn't think much of it, though he has to admit, Dean is kind of cute when he's a drunk, giggly mess. The video of "I'm Too Sexy" that went viral a few years back was funny because it was so horribly sexual, but this one's funny because Dean just looks like he's going to die from laughing too hard, and his friend looks about the same. It's not funny enough that he would watch the whole video, but he can watch the full clip.

And then Dean slaps his friend's ass.

And suddenly, it makes sense why Charlie sent this to him.

Castiel: GodIWishThatWereMe.jpeg

Charlie: Does that not scream gay to you

Castiel: No, it screams "drunk" to me, but I appreciate the effort.

Castiel: And what was that costume? I'm so confused?

Charlie: Ugh you uncultured swine, he dressed up as Red Hood

Charlie: Check his insta, he even has a snazzy red mask to go with it

Castiel: Cool.

Charlie: Wait no that's not the point tho like was that not the gayest thing you've ever seen

Castiel: I've looked in the mirror before, Charlie.

Charlie: -_-

Charlie: But seriously, he slapped a dude's ass. Is that gay or what?

Castiel: :/

Charlie: :)

Castiel decides, because he's a nosy fuck, to stalk Dean's Twitter to see if anyone else has made the same observation, and maybe to get some better video of him in the process. He's a bit surprised to see that the only things he posted yesterday were the photos of him in his badass Red Hood costume, which looks much better in the posed pictures than it did during his karaoke session and a picture of himself and his karaoke friend looking much more sober that accompanies a shout out to some bar in Palo Alto. He refreshes the page as if it could just be broken, but he doesn't expect it to work. To his surprise, though, a new tweet appears -- a retweet of Sam's video with the caption, "As if my hangover isn't enough, you had to resort to public humiliation too."

Oh, Dean. What a character.

A/N tag yourself I'm me not updating this for a month despite having the next five chapters written because I've been too busy writing Phineas and Ferb fan fiction for AO3

Secrets and Camera FlashesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora