Chapter 29

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Castiel is getting ready to hop in a limo to another interview with the cast — press tours take forever — when he gets a text from Dean. They never seem to talk, so he's a little taken aback by that.

Dean: I'm bored and Jo won't answer her phone so I'm here to ask you instead: what are some good movies to watch?

Castiel raises an eyebrow. People don't typically admit that they're texting their second choice, but, given how few times he and Dean have interacted, he's honestly surprised that Dean texted him at all, nevermind that he was only the second choice. So, as a thank you, he answers Dean's question...

With a link to buying tickets to the nearest showing of his new movie with Jo.

Dean: Hardy har har

Castiel: You never said it couldn't be shameless promo.

Dean: It can 100% be shameless promo but promote something of yours that I haven't seen will ya

Castiel: Do you actually want to watch something I was in?

Dean: Fuck yeah

Dean: Supportive friend time!

Castiel chuckles. Given that he's done nothing but shit on him lately, it's kind of reassuring to see that he's just putting on a show for the cameras.

Castiel: Angels and Demons seems to be pretty popular.

That was his movie with Meg Masters a few years back, and easily his most successful movie to date. This new one is on track to pass Angels and Demons's total box office success pretty soon, though, so it's about to lose that title.

Dean: I said ones I haven't seen

Dean: Everyone's seen that one

Castiel's a bit taken aback by that. He knew it was popular, but he was sure celebrities like Dean would have better things to do than watch every mildly successful movie that hits theaters.

Castiel: Those were my two biggest roles. I'm just a supporting character in pretty much everything else. Unless you want to hit up IMDb for everything I've ever been in, can I suggest not-me-related things to watch?

Dean: I'll probably check your IMDb anyway but sure

Dean: What do you like to watch?

Castiel: Right now I'm obsessed with that CW show Wayward Sisters.

Dean: You're shitting me

Castiel stares at his phone blankly. What's wrong with Wayward Sisters?

Dean: There isn't a single good show on the CW

Dean: CW is literally the laughing stock of cable TV

Dean: Their most popular show is fucking Riverdale for gods sake

Castiel: ...

Dean: What shows/movies do you like that are not on the CW?

Jo pokes her head into Castiel's hotel room. "Hey, Cas."

"Time to go?" he guesses.

"Yep." She eyes his phone. "Who are you texting?"

"Just Dean," he says. He glances down at his phone to finish off the conversation.

Castiel: Gtg but I still definitely recommend Wayward Sisters.

He clicks his phone off and shoves it into his back pocket. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," she says with a shrug.

Castiel takes her hand, and they're off. The hotel itself isn't very busy, but the paparazzi are everywhere outside. They keep their distance, probably because Jo has a couple security guards in front and one on their tail. That's the thing about going to publicly planned events — they really do need security. Castiel's even had to hire security at times, and he usually tries to be his own security guard, so that's saying something.

As they climb in the limo together — Jo first, because Castiel is a gentleman — the paparazzi shout random questions and comments at them. Castiel does his best to tune them out. No one's right in his face, so it's not too difficult.

Getting out of the limo is a different story.

The paparazzi are supposed to be there now. They want as many candids as they can get together for publicity. There are going to be numerous articles just about them walking into the building, which is a really weird thing to live with, but Castiel's come to accept it.

This time, it's hard to tune out the paparazzi's questions, so the best he can do is ignore them. When someone asks if Castiel's heard what Dean's been saying about him, though, he does opt to answer.

"Dean has my phone number," he says. "If he wants to talk to me, he knows how to reach me. The fact that he hasn't just proves that he's trying to be petty, and he's doing a great job at it."

That's all he says on the matter, and he's quite happy with it. Dean's not the only one who can talk shit. Castiel's just picking the classier way to do it.

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