Chapter 74

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The rest of the holiday break is pretty irrelevant, so we're going to skip that and move on, because let's be real: no one gives a flying fuck about Jo falling even harder for Cas and no one wants more vague half-sex scenes on Jo's bed when there's so much else to read about in the new year.

Castiel and Jo have their first public outing of the year just a day before he heads back to Florida. It's not a date, though. Hell, it's not even a fake date. They just head to the gym together because they know it will stir up headlines about the happy couple starting the year off strong, and, as expected, the paparazzi photos are a trending topic online by the time the pseudo-couple finishes their workout.

After ensuring that the world still knows of their relationship, Castiel is all set to go off to work. Of course, because he's an actor, he never actually knows when he has to work until the night before — it's not uncommon to get his call sheet at 10:00 the night before he has to be on set; they can't send them out until they know what scenes they've already finished — so he knows even before he gets off the plane that he's going to be on edge all day.

Castiel is a pretty wealthy dude. He's had a couple of big movies and a handful of smaller roles that have secured him a couple million dollars. But he is not rich enough to rent a car for the couple of months he's scheduled to be in Toronto and he's sure as hell not rich enough to afford a limo every day (not that he'd want to be chauffeured around even if he could), so the first thing he does when he lands is take a limo (ew) to a used car shop, where he basically buys the shittiest car they have. It's apparently from 1978 -- why they're still selling a car from 1978, he does not understand -- but it should get him from his apartment to the set with no problems.

After an excruciatingly long day of travel, Castiel finally makes it to his new apartment. He drags his suitcase through the front door and kicks the door shut with his heel. Home, sweet home.

Despite having already signed a lease for this place, Castiel hasn't actually been here before. He's seen pictures, but this is the first time he's actually stepped foot in the place and he's relieved to find that it's about as nice in person as it looked online. There are only a few rooms so it doesn't take long to find his bedroom. He should probably unpack his bags, but in all honesty, it's been a long day and he really just wants to take a nap.

He digs his phone charger out of his backpack and plugs it into the outlet next to his bed, and just before he plugs his phone in to charge, the screen lights up with a text. Castiel expects it to be Charlie; more of her working days are spent texting him than actually working. Instead, it's Dean's name on the screen.

Dean: Have you gone full-blown Canadian yet? Are you watching hockey? Are you incapable of going a full conversation without saying eh? If you're chugging a bottle of maple syrup rn I'm sorry to say it but you're too far gone for even me to save

Castiel chuckles. Just the idea of talking to Dean is enough to wake him up, so he sits down cross-legged on his new bed and opens the chat. They've texted back and forth a few times since Christmas, but this is probably the most random conversation starter Dean has sent so far. It's the first time Castiel's been absolutely sure that Dean is texting him just for the sake of it, that there's nothing specific he wants to talk about.

Castiel: Fortunately not, but now that you mention it, I'm going to avoid picking up any maple syrup while I'm here just in case.

Dean: A true man of the people

Dean: So how's Canada?

Dean: I say as if I haven't been there a million times

Castiel: I just landed a couple hours ago, but I have a car now and my apartment is pretty nice (it's fully furnished! It even has pillows!) so Canada's pretty great so far.

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