Chapter 79

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Castiel makes a rare journey to Twitter on Saturday. Entertainment Weekly has finally announced that he's joined the cast of Wayward Sisters and he's excited — if somewhat wary — to see what people have to say. He's only had a few minor roles since his movie with Jo came out, biding his time until the right role came along. This is probably a lot smaller than most people would have thought "the right role" would be and he expects them to make that known, but it's exciting nonetheless.

He's pleasantly surprised to find that his first name is already trending. He's low on the list of the top 30 trends in the US, but he's still on it, so he's definitely bringing some attention to the show. Whether that will result in new viewers is the real question.

The first thing Castiel does is visit the Entertainment Weekly page to find the article they wrote about him. He briefly skims it just in case there's something he doesn't like, then copies the link to share on Twitter.

"Very excited to finally get to share this new project with you! Thank you @cw_wws for bringing me aboard, and I can't wait to see what you think of my character!"

He was emailed the photoshoot pictures earlier, so those are already saved to his phone. He tweets four of them out next with the caption, "Feeling Wayward AF," an old slogan of the Wayward Sisters girls. He posts those same pictures on Instagram, then links the Entertainment Weekly article on his Instagram story. That's about all the promo he needs to do, right? Everything else is up to his own discretion? Well, if not, he'll get yelled at later. He might as well enjoy himself now anyway.

While he's on Instagram, he decides he might as well follow people. He follows the show's account, the four main stars, a couple of writers he's been watching from afar through other fans' Tumblr posts, and a few directors from the show. It might be overkill, but he doesn't scroll through his feed very often so it doesn't really matter who he follows; he'll never see their posts anyway.

He switches back to Twitter, where he follows all the same accounts. Of the four stars, Alex, Patience, and Kaia already follow him, but Alex has been following him since she watched his movie with Jo (which he knows because he freaked out when he saw that she followed him). Claire, of course, doesn't follow him; he's beginning to think their relationship is going to be reminiscent of the fake mostly-one-sided feud he and Dean have going on and he's oddly okay with that. It's been a few days and he really feels like he's struck a friendship with Patience and Alex; he doesn't have to be friends with Claire, too. (Kaia isn't quite a friend given that they never really talk, but they have shared the occasional smile across the room at each other, if that counts for something. At least she's not mean, right?)

Alex and Patience have already tweeted about him joining the show. Alex tweeted the link directly, saying, "I don't know how we managed this but I am FREAKING OUT!" Patience, meanwhile, retweeted the EW tweet and added, "Castiel Novak has officially joined the Wayward team! I can't say much yet, but I can tell you that you're not gonna want to miss it."

Castiel isn't usually very active on social media, but with the fate of Wayward Sisters in the balance, he wants to drum up as much attention to his new role as possible, so he makes the dangerous venture into the "Castiel" trend next.

The first few tweets are the ones he's already seen — Entertainment Weekly, Alex, and Patience, fan accounts for Wayward Sisters and himself — but most of the rest appear to be from the general public, excluding the few news sites that scrambled to put together a half-assed copy of EW's article.

"I can't believe Castiel Novak went from working with Jo Harvelle to working with the CW lmaooo"

That's about what he was expecting, and he scrolls by without giving it a second thought.

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