Chapter 38

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"You were right," Dean says. "This really is the best beer in the world."

Lee chuckles. "Glad we could do it justice."

"I know you're technically working, what with owning the place, but you wanna get a drink, too?" Dean asks. "Kinda weird, being the only one with a beer."

"You buying?" Lee asks, and he's very clearly joking, but Dean just shrugs.

"If that's what it takes, then sure."

Lee chuckles. "Alright, then." He taps the bar a few times, getting the barista's attention. "Hey, Lorna?" He holds up two fingers, and within seconds, the barista's passing them both a beer.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Dean says. "And you're sure I'm not taking you away from bigger, more important things you gotta be doing?"

"Are you kidding?" Lee scoffs. "Better things to do than talk to the Dean Winchester? I think not."

"Oh, I'm flattered," Dean says, amused. He really shouldn't wear masks for Halloween anymore. He can get anything he wants just by showing his face. "How long have you owned the place?"

Lee takes a sip of beer. "Five years or so? Bought it real cheap, fixed it up, and changed the name."

"So you practically made the place," Dean remarks.

"Pretty much," he says. "Took a hell of a risk on it, but it looks like it paid off pretty well."

"Looks like," Dean agrees. "Why'd you name it after Swayze, though?"

Lee shrugs. "I don't know. He's Swayze."

Dean chuckles. "That's fair."

"I gotta ask, are you one of the real Swayze fans, or the 'oh, yeah, I've heard of him' fans?" Lee asks. "Nothing wrong with it either way, but --"

"I have seen every single movie he has ever been in," Dean interrupts. "I think I can call myself a real Swayze fan."

"Every movie?" Lee asks skeptically.

"Every one," Dean confirms. "I did have a childhood, you know."

"So you like that time period, right?" Lee asks.

"Um... yeah, I do," Dean says uncertainly. "Why?"

Lee gets up with a grin. "Come on up if you know this one."

"What are you --"

Lee leaves the bar in favor of the karaoke stage, tossing a brief "G.O.B." to the band as he hops up on stage.

Dean recognizes the song immediately. He's seen enough episodes of Dukes of Hazzard that not recognizing it would be a disgrace. "Good Ol' Boys" is practically his religion, after all, and he can't help but sing along under his breath,

He hadn't thought much of Lee when he first showed up to see him singing up onstage, but he has to admit, the guy's not half bad. Not only can he sing, but he looks like he's having a hell of a lot of fun doing it. He gets through the first few lines before looking at Dean.

"I thought you'd know this one," Lee says with a grin. "Come on up, Dean!"

The audience starts cheering, clearly in agreement -- though they might be too drunk to even know what Dean he's talking about. Dean's not quite that drunk -- or, at least, not yet, though he may get there by the end of the night.

"I'm gonna pass on that one," Dean says. He has to have performed at least ten times in the last few weeks since putting his lead single out. It doesn't quite hold the same appeal as it used to, especially knowing his every move is going to be criticized every time he heads up on a stage.

"Ah, come on," Lee says, exasperated. "I can see you know it, and isn't drunk karaoke your thing?"

Dean hesitates. He does have a point there. Drunk karaoke is so much more fun than a scheduled performance, and it's not like anyone has their phones around to record it, anyway. With a sigh, Dean downs the rest of his beer and heads for the stage. Lee steps back, gesturing for Dean to pick up where he left off. After a brief pause, Dean steps in front of the mic and sings the next few lines, amidst some excited applause and a lot of drunk dancing.

Lee hops in to join him on, "Making their way, the only way they know how! Oh, that's just a little bit more than the law will allow."

They finish the song together, and Dean has to admit, it's actually a lot of fun. This is a bit of a throwback, even by his standards, but he likes it. Hell, not only does he like the song, but he's really starting to like Lee, too. This might be the best Halloween yet.

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