Chapter seventeen

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/Parseltongue writing/

The first year Snakes followed Maeve and her group as they led the entered the Herbology classroom, the Ravenclaws having already arrived. Their thirst for knowledge had them being earlier, the fact that they were pairing with Slytherins had them acting appropriately. Maeve was powerful and clearly intelligent. They didn't want to be on the receiving end of her anger.

Maeve stood between Draco and Blaise, much like the first time and they were followed by Theo, Daphne, Pansy and so on. The Ravenclaws were standing near them but still kept to themselves. Professor Sprout spoke greatly about the various plants they would be learning about and working on, it was intriguing but nothing really stood out to the young green eyed Slytherin.

Professor Sprout explained diligently about the uses of each plant, she went on to talk about a plant called Devil's Snare. The first years wouldn't be working with it directly seeing as it was a dangerous plant but they were taught how to go around it. Struggling made it worse and they hated bright light and heat so Lumos and Incendio would both help in warding off the plant, Maeve took some notes on this as she had a feeling this was important somehow.

The professor had instructed them to read further on the do's and don'ts of dangerous plants in Herbology and write an essay on what they learn before allowing them to wrap up your things as class was ending. Maeve led the Slytherin's to their next class which happens to be Charms with Ravenclaws yet again, Professor Flitwick was becoming a favorite for Maeve as the tiny man was exuberant and made class exciting. In the class, Slytherins and Ravenclaws intermingled here, sitting beside each other and working together. It was such a sight for the professor and it was a delight watching two houses come together like this.

Maeve took her seat beside Draco, which was becoming a recurrence, she pulled out a parchment paper and a quill to take some notes. Charms was an interesting class that she'd love to learn more in.

"Hello, students!" Professor Flitwick greeted the class as he bounced in his place upon a stack of books. "Today we'll be learning the levitation spell, Wingardium Leviosa. Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the "gar" nice and long." He raised his hand, holding his wand and made a swish and flick movement, moving only his wrists. The feather on his desk floated into the air, moving as he directed it around. "Now, you all give it a try!"

Maeve glanced at the feather in front of her before glancing around the classroom to see everyone attempting the spell. She lifted her hand slightly, and said "Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa," with a simple swish and flick of her wrist, and the feather floated in the air. She smirked proudly as she was one of the first to accomplish getting it done.

"Well done, Ms. Potter!" Flitwick clapped happily, he glanced around the class and saw others nearly getting it done as well. "Five points to Slytherin, see how Young Maeve Potter succeeded on her first try?" The green eyed girl found that she didn't really mind that he hadn't used her proper title, she liked the man too much to care.

Draco smiled at his friend as he attempted to do the spell, mimicking the swish and flick he'd seen her do, making sure to pronounce the spell correctly. He smiled triumphantly as he was able to lift the feather, he was awarded five points as well being the second to succeed. Soon several other students were able to do it, six from Ravenclaw and three more from Slytherin, Flitwick applauded them all and rewarded each with points, more reason why Maeve held him in high regard among other professors.

Before Flitwick allowed them to leave he had instructed them all to read through the protego passage which is the shielding charm, the Slytherins and Ravenclaws went their separate ways as Slytherins had History of Magic with Hufflepuffs. Maeve hoped that Lord Malfoy was able to set up a meeting with the Board of Governors to discuss the removal of Professor Binns. She'll have to write up a letter to request any updates on the matter.

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