Chapter ten

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/parseltongue writing/

Maeve marched to the Slytherin common room, students roaming the halls immediately parted ways to allow her to pass. Anger poured off her small body, letting everyone know she's not to be trifled with. She walked down the cold dungeon halls and snapped the password, her magic acting quickly and slamming open the common room doors with a bang.

Several first years flinched at the loud noise and some fifth years had drawn their wands as an act to protect themselves from any oncoming harm. If she hadn't been so irked she might've applaud them for their quick thinking, but annoyance slipped off her body like a tsunami. Maeve glanced around searching for her friends, she really needed their presence. Despite it being only a few days of them knowing each other, they were like a ray of sunshine on her darkest days.

Draco noticed her first and swiftly notified the other two boys sitting with him. Together they rushed to her side, Theo scanning her to make sure no harm had befallen her. When he didn't see any signs of injury, he looked at her confused.

"What has you troubled, love?" Blaise questioned, concern coating his words and brows furrowing.

Maeve sighed, still quite peeved. "The whole little meeting with McGonnagal was a joke. She was merely vexed at the very thought of me supposedly disrespecting her during our first lesson. Brought Dumbledore and Snape, though the nasty git stayed quiet. Dumbledore tried to play his disappointed grandfather card, as if I cared what he or anyone else thought."

"And what happened?" Draco queried, a frown firmly on his face. He was displeased at thought of his godfather targeting a close friend of his, he'd have to speak to him about it. If nothing changes then father will have to get involved.

"I stated clearly that one must give respect to get respect, and you all know the way McGonnagal had treated me when we first encountered. She looked at me distrustfully and then proceeded to be prejudice against us. It's not right, Dumbledore couldn't give a proper reason only that adults deserve their respect. What a barmy buffer."

"Is this when you stood up for those two Slytherin girls?" Theo inquired, with a head tilt.

Maeve nodded with a frown, her previous anger fading away and she slumped rather ungracefully on the closet chair. "I'll need to write to your father, Draco, have him informed of what had occurred. As my step in he is required to know these things, I'll let him know that if I'm pulled aside again I'd like him to be present. I'll not speak alone."

Blaise nodded. "Probably for the best, can't trust none of the adults that surround themselves around us."

Loki, who had been awfully quiet during the whole conversation, hissed in agreement to what the Italian boy said. Her three friends slightly jumped at the sight of the serpent, Maeve giggled and Loki looked on in amusement. She gently rubbed at his small delicate head, sighing as she practically felt the tension seep away at the mere touch of her snake. Power of a familiar, she supposes.

"I'll also need to write about setting up the visit with my godfather, it would be wise to keep him in the loop. And to make sure he will be loyal only to me, I need to get there before Dumbledore does." Maeve said tapping a small pale finger against her chin. "Your father wouldn't be opposed to taking me out again, right?" Her venomous green eyes narrowed in on Draco who flushed at having all her attention on him.

He nodded. "He is your step in, his job is to provide you with all the means necessary to achieve greatness. Or to help you in your time in need. So if you need help, he has to help you."

She hummed thoughtfully, a smile curling at her lips. "Good, because I require plenty of help from him. He does work in the ministry after all, which is very useful to us." Maeve looked at a Draco with a small frown. "You don't mind, right? He is your father so if you think we shouldn't use him, I'll respect your decision."

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