Chapter six

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/parseltongue writing/
A strange map and a godfather:

Maeve woke to Loki nudging her awake, she blinked the haze from her eyes and glanced at her snake.

§What isss the matter?§

~You ssshould get ready now so you don't get bothered by your roommatesss.~

Maeve nodded, finding Loki's answer to be acceptable. She slowly removed the blanket and got up, careful not to make any noises as to not wake the others. She quietly opened her trunk and pulled out her uniform and a pair of undergarments, she grabbed her hygiene bag, a towel and headed to the showers.

Humming softly, she turned the water on lukewarm and got her things ready, stripping down she stepped and sighed in content when the water hot her body. Honestly, she could get used to this. She lavished her hair with her favorite strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner and her body with a mint scented body wash.

After rinsing thoroughly, Maeve turned the water off and wrapped herself in her fluffy white towel. Still humming, she dried off her hair before wrapping it in a separate towel. She grabbed her toothbrush and mint toothpaste and began brushing her teeth. Followed by her hydrating face soap and cleanser.

Taking her time in rubbing in body lotion before starting to dress herself. She winced a couple of times before finally combing through the knots and tangles, carefully pulling her hair into a French braid. Leaving her tie as the last time, loosely tied around her neck.

Finally done with her morning routine, Maeve stepped out with her things securely in her arms. Her eyes widen in surprised, the others were still asleep? Did they all sleep until the sun came up? She shrugged, their problem. She placed her dirty linen in her laundry basket and started on making her bed. Once done, she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her shoulder bag.

§Will you be accompanying me to classs? Or will you ssstay here?§

~I sssuppossse I ssshould go with you, to keep you out of trouble, of courssse.~

She let out a breathy laugh, shaking her head. She let Loki climb up her arm before curling itself around. Maeve knew Loki had only wanted to come so he could threaten to bite people. Even if she'd never follow through unless her mistress was in a dangerous situation and couldn't protect herself.

Maeve silently opened the door and walked out, she made her way to the common room. She stopped in surprise, she didn't expect anyone else to be downstairs so early, was Malfoy an early riser or was the first day jitters? He faced the fire that was crackling in the furnace, but she could recognize his blonde hair anywhere.

"Malfoy?" The boy seemed to be lost in thought, so she simply say beside him. He'll notice her when he wakes from his daydream.

She sat there patiently, staring out the window. The sun was still down, so the only light in the common room was the burning fire. She turned her head sharply, when Malfoy attempted at nudging her.

"Sorry, I tried calling your name but you were pretty zoned out." She smiled sheepishly.

He shook his head, with a wave of his hand. "Ah, sorry. I was just thinking about our first classes. We get our schedule today, right?"

Maeve blinked slowly, she hadn't been paying attention when the two seventh years were giving out instructions. She was much to tired last night to even care. "I would assume so, I admit I wasn't really awake to hear anything that was said. I apologize."

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