Chapter one

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The beginning:

On the fateful day of October 31, 1981, the Potters were attacked by a dark wizard that went by Lord Voldemort. James potter, a wizard from an ancient and noble pureblood family, was the first to lose his life while trying to stall time to save his wife Lily Potter ñee Evans, a powerful muggleborn witch, and their daughter and heiress, Maeve Alarica Potter, who was a child of prophecy.

Lily Potter knew she was to die as she heard the killing curse used on her, now dead, husband. She placed her daughter in her cot and stared into familiar stunning green eyes that would put the finest emeralds to shame. "Maeve, always remember mama and papa love you with all our heart. Always believe you are special and powerful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Papa and I will never leave you, not really, okay?"

The nursery room door was blasted open. Lord Voldemort, a man with serpent features, stood at the entrance glaring at the defiant woman. "Stand aside and I shall spare you!" He ordered, trying to keep his word to a loyal death eater.

The redhead woman shook her head, tears forming in her brilliant green eyes. "Please not my baby! Have mercy, not my Maeve!" She begged, her pleas went to deaf ears.

"I said stand aside!" She stayed in front of her child hoping, praying for some kind of miracle. She couldn't let her baby die. "Very well, then you shall also die! Avada Kedavra!"

Lily Potter fell to the floor, lifeless green eyes staring at the ceiling.

Voldemort walked in front of the supposed child who would come to defeat him in the near future. He chuckled darkly, she, a mere infant, would come to kill him? The very idea was laughable. He stared into her eyes, a knowing glint flashed within them as she practically stared into his soul. He raised his wand to her forehead and whispered, "Avada Kedavra." Something unexpected happened. A bright burst of light exploded from the baby and the curse bounced off of her and onto him. He screamed before he was no more. A piece of his soul flew to the only live person remaining.

On the right side of her forehead, above her eye, a lightning shaped scar with dark magic appeared. The only sign of Voldemort's defeat. After using so much accidental magic, Maeve promptly laid back and fell asleep.


Albus Dumbledore, for as much as he was praised for being wise beyond his years, was but just a man. And man makes mistakes. The most fatal mistake he will ever make is believing that Maeve will grow up weak and scared so that she would look to him as her savior when he undoubtedly takes her from the cruel Dursleys and assuming she would be anything more than a pawn he could use to defeat Voldemort and then take the credit. His mistakes would be his undoings.

The wizarding world's first mistake was ignoring the fact that the defeat of Voldemort had also caused the deaths of the parents of the proclaimed savior, the girl who lived. And that would lead to their downfall.


A/n I made minor changes which was really only a fixing a few misspelled words and adding a few that I may have missed<3

Queen Of SnakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora