Chapter eighteen

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~parseltongue snake speaker~
§parseltongue human speaker§
/Parseltongue writing/

Maeve walked up the steps to her dorm room, ignoring the looks thrown her way by the prefects. She knew if she waited any longer to retrieve Loki her darling serpent will most definitely work his way towards him, not caring for those in his way. She opened the door slowly, Loki will forever be the only thing she'd fear for her snake was devious when angry.

Ever so quietly Maeve peeked into the room and saw her dear friend coiled upon a heating rock where she knew he was upset, she winced and walked towards him.


Maeve hissed quietly not daring to touch a single scale upon her snake.

$Loki, I'm terribly sssorry for causssing you to wait.$

~Yesss, I'm sssure you are.~

$I'll get you extra mice for my rudenesss.$

~Yesss you will.~

Maeve chuckled at that before going to her trunk where her two-way mirror hid. It was wrapped in a silk cloth to ensure it wouldn't break.

$I need to make a call to my godfather and then we'll head out.$

She removed the cloth and held the mirror in her hand tightly, whispering a quiet, "Sirius Black," and waited patiently for the other man to answer.

"Hey, pup!" Her godfather popped up on the reflection, his exuberant personality brought a small smile to her face. The older man was lively and a complete contrast to what he looked like during the trial.

"Hello, Sirius, how are you?"

He grinned, white teeth flashing. "I've been good, pup, we should really plan another visit! Moony found some cool muggle games we could try!"

Maeve smiled indulgently at the excited man. "Yes, we should, I'll talk to Lord Malfoy about setting something up. But never mind that, I have some things to discuss with you."

Sirius eyed her for a moment, his smile wiped off his face. "Is something wrong?"

"Not exactly, no. I merely have a request, if you will." She said, smiling calmly.

"Of course, pup, I'll help in any way."

"Well you see my friends and I have discovered a secret Dumbledore has on the third corridor. We've set plans to retrieve but the problem is Dumbledore cannot know." Maeve looked him in the eyes to ensure he knew how important this was. "Whatever he has hidden is extremely powerful, I was almost drunk on it and I feel it shouldn't be left in his hands."

Sirius tapped his finger against his chin looking thoughtfully, dark eyes gazing at her. "What is it you need?"

She smiled. "My twins are going to cause a bit of mischief in hopes of getting Ol' Dumbledore off my back for a bit, he's been a little too focused on me since I've returned from our visit. My twins will be the ones to head down with me to figure out what exactly is down there and to see it safely in our hands. I believe it's a trap but for who we do not know."

"Your twins, how will they cause mischief? Am I to assume that they are also pranksters like Moony and I?"

"Mh, that's correct. I would like for you to offer them some expertise on how to drive professors mad, I personally only like Flitwick. The man is far too kind so he needs not be reminded who exactly is in charge."

The dark haired handsome man hummed, pursing his lips. "I take it Minerva wasn't very pleasant?"

"If you mean McGonnagal then no, she has been downright rude and prejudiced between me and my snakes. I don't appreciate that, it seems she has it in it for me, merely because I am nothing like my parents nor am I in Gryffindor. Snape may be our Head of House but that man is a disgrace to Slytherins, he does not have a discreet bone in his body. He makes his dislike for me quite known." Maeve admitted, shaking her head at the stupidity of the adults they were surrounded with. "I need them out of my way and what better than getting help for pranking legends that have experience in warding off bothersome people?"

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