15. Campfire

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Back in the cabin, Will let Ash take a shower first. Because, you know, courtesy. And also he needed some time to think without having Ash there, clogging his thoughts with his beautiful smiling face and kissable lips that he finally got to taste again only last night.

Oh my god I got to kiss him again.

A goofy, wide grin spread out on his face and he fell back into his bed, staring up at the ceiling breathlessly. He's here. He's fine. He's okay. We can build memories together and his dad won't be here to fuck everything up again. He closed his eyes. My dad won't be here to fuck everything up again. He frowned, thoughts of his father--of Riley-- creeping into his mind unbidden. Riley, with his softly shaped face and bright eyes and curious, wide smile, his way of always making Will feel better.

Will shoved those thoughts out of his mind, his chest tightening as he grabbed a pillow and hugged it close. It didn't matter. Riley was dead. He had Ash now, a living boyfriend he could cuddle and kiss and love without anyone getting in the way.

The shower shut off and a minute later Ash came out, toweling his hair off, and Will did just that. He swung himself up and over the side of his bed and landed in front of Ash, who squeaked softly in surprise and looked up at him with a soft smile* "The showers ope--" Before the words had even left his mouth Will grabbed him in a hug and held him close, breathing in the vanilla and pine scent that was Asher Erickson.

Ash blinked a few times, and then sank into the hug with a smile, closing his eyes. "Whats this for?" He murmured, and Will only shrugged and held him tighter, not saying anything, and Ash accepted it and they just held each other until Ash decided Will was too stinky to hug anymore and he needed a shower.

~ ~ ~

In the evening, after all the campers had eaten dinner, Chaol jogged up to Will, who was sitting near the campfire with an arm around Ash. He glanced up at the boy, who seemed slightly disappointed. "Hey Chaol. What's up?"

Chaol sighed and plopped down next to them. "Jake had to go home," he said sadly, "and now I have to listen to you guys smooching all night all by myself."

Ash choked, and Will blinked and then laughed. "It won't be all night. We have to sleep sometime."

Ash slapped Will's arm with a distressed little squeak. "Will."

Chaol snickered. "Okay, I gotta admit, you two are adorable together. Like soulmates, if I believed in that."

Ash peeked around Will at Chaol curiously. "Why don't you believe in soulmates?"

Chaol blinked, as if he hadn't expected to be asked that question, and he stopped, thinking for a moment. "Because," he said softly, "if soulmates were real, I don't think I'd be alone right now."

Ash blinked, and Will nudged Chaol with his elbow and waggled his eyebrows. "Ooh, someone has a tragic paaaaast."

Chaol laughed, and the mood lightened. The campfire danced merrily in its pit, the chatter of all the other campers surrounding them as the sunset down and casted its beautiful hues all over the sky, painting it orange and purple and pink. Ash looked up at the sky and leaned into Will, smiling and pointing up at the colors. "My mom used to say that when the sky looks like this, it's god giving a dying artist a chance to paint the sky," he whispered, just for Will.

Will blinked, then smiled and kissed Ash's forehead softly. "I like that. If you were an artist, what would you paint the sky?"

Ash smiled and peeked up at Will, snuggling closer. "Blue and black and gray, because those are the colors that remind me of you."

Will smiled back at him, their voices quiet enough that only they could hear each other. "Well, I'd paint the sky blue and pink and yellow- the very pretty kind of yellow, like marigolds. Because, like, you remind me of those." He grinned, aware that he wasn't being nearly as poetic and smooth as Ash but not particularly caring.

Ash giggled and looked back to the fire, the light dancing across hisface thar was so beautiful and perfect. Will wanted to look at that face forever, no matter what.

And then he looked up, across the fire, and saw the very stricken, very pale face of a ghost.

- - - - - -

Eheheheheheheh I'm back hitches

Q: how are you guys??????

A: lol I'm still alive I guess haha sorry for the short chapter-

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