32. I Love You Most, Though

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The walk back was long and hard and Will didn't even remember most of it. His arm ached, his feet hurt, and he wasn't sure how much blood you were supposed to lose before you passed out, but he was pretty sure he was getting pretty close. He was leaning against Ash, and Tristan was being supported by Chaol and Riley, and then finally, finally, they were back and everything melted into a haze. He was 99% sure there was an ambulance, because there were flashes of red and blue and white.

And then, after who knows how long, everything was black.

~ ~ ~

He woke up in a hospital bed, which didn't surprise him. He glanced around tiredly, his head fuzzy, taking note of the gently beeping heart monitor, the bandages tight around his arm, the iv dripping into his vein, and then finally, the sleeping body of Ash, slumped against the hospital bed with his hand in a death grip.

He immediately smiled. "Hey, Ash," he mumbled, reaching over with his free hand and ruffling his hair, and Ash yawned and hummed, slowly blinking his eyes open.

He gasped softly, eyes filling with tears. "Oh, thank God," he breathed out. "You're awake. Oh god. Quick--do you remember me--we are not having a repeat, the last time was just painful and terrible and awful--"

Will blurted a laugh. "Ash, baby. I remember who you are. It's okay."

Ash nearly burst into tears right there, throwing himself at him in a tight hug, and Will kissed the top of his head and mumbled sweet nothings an reassurances in his ear, his heart full with the reassurance that his Ash was right here with him, and he didnt ever want that to change.

~ ~ ~

Riley and Chaol were still back at the camp, seeing as neither of them were dating Tristan nor Will, and they also hadn't been shot or otherwise maimed. Currently, they were playing a card game Riley was 100% sure Chaol had made up, because he kept changing the rules.

"You cannot do that," Riley protested when Chaol laid down three extra cards. "When I tried to do that you said I was cheating!!!"

Chaol hummed. "That's because the card before that was a seven."

"Your mom is a seven!!"

"Seven out of ten."

"Wh--" Before Riley could respond, the door was pushed open and an exhausted Will entered on the arm of an equally exhausted Ash. they stood in the doorway, blinking at them, and then Riley pointed at Chaol, as stubborn as ever. "He's cheating."

"Am not!" Chaol said indignantly. "You're just dumb."

Will blinked and ten laughed, and Ash hummed, both of them sitting down and expanding their circle. "Well. Can you guys restart and explain so Will and I can play?"

"Absolutely," Chaol said eagerly, tugging all the cards toward him. "Then you can see how I'm totally not cheating, and Riley's just dumb."

Riley had a look of visible offense on his face, and Will couldn't help but grin. Tristan was still at the hospital, (but tbh none of you like him so its ok), but it still felt like Will was surrounded by his whole group of...family.

That night, while he was laying in bed with Ash, their arms around each other, he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Hey, Ash?" he murmured in his ear.


"I love you."

"Mmk." Ash grinned up at him, chasing his lips and giving him a soft kiss in return. "I love you, most, though."

The End

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Lol yeah the end you guys :)

except there'll be a third book, probably lmao- dw :)) i gave them a happy ending and not a cliffhanger this time so you guys wont feel so terribly mad at me if i just completely give up after this

its been a long journey but thank all of you guys for sticking around this far :))) it really means a lot and i am genuinely going to try to see if i feel up for a third book or not. judging by my increase in wanting to write and my decrease in writers block, its definitely on the table :)))

ily guys :))))

q: if i did write a third book, how soon would you guys want it?

a: i have no answer for this one lol

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