14. Getting Back

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On their way back to the camp the next morning, the canoe was silent. Neither of them knew what to say. What did you say, when all that had happened had happened?

It wasn't a bad silence, at least. Ash found that, if anything, this was the most peaceful silence he'd ever encountered. At it was with Will, of all people.

At least neither of them fell off the boat this time.

~ ~ ~

This was the most awkward silence Will had ever had to endure in his entire life.

Ash was sitting behind him, and Will kept wanting to turn around and look at him just to make sure he was there and he wasn't just dreaming this whole thing. He never did, though, because he wasn't sure what expression would be on the smaller boy's face if he looked.

Anger? Regret? Will had no idea, and it was driving him insane.

~ ~ ~

By the time they finally got back to the campsite, Chaol was at the beach, building something next to a few of the canoes. Will pulled the canoe up in the sand so it wouldn't be washed away, and Chaol looked up, saw them, and grinned. "Ay, you guys made it! The camp counselors are PISSED at you two. They were freaking out and they thought they were gonna get sued. Me and a couple of the guys made bets on when you'd returned and I said that it was probably gonna be today after you guys got to do the nasty somewhere people wouldn't accidentally walk in on."

Ash choked.

"W-we didnt!" he gasped out as Will suddenly burst out laughing, both of their cheeks aflame. "I promise, we didn't!"

"I didn't bring protection, anyways," Will said casually. "And even if I had, it would have gotten all wet."

Ash groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Oh my god. Oh my god."

Will grinned and threw an arm around his shoulder. "We need to get back to the cabin, Chaol. To clean up. Well see you later."

Chaol wiggled his eyebrows at them and waved. "If ya say so."

- - - - - -

Oooook hi

I'm so sorry holy shit things have been literally so stressful and I know this chapter is Hella short but...I think I'm gonna finally start writing again. I can't even express how sorry I am at how long this took to get out. I'll work harder on that.

Anyway- how are things with all of you nowadays??? I miss you guys. I'm sorry this took so long, again.

I have a plan for the next few chapters so thats good :)))

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