18. Are You Glad?

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Riley was lost.

When he had seen Will across the fire at the pit last night, he didn't recognize him. He had blue streaks in his hair--blue?--that hadn't been there before, and he had an arm around a smaller boy with a shit load of freckles and a mop of golden brown hair.

He'd gotten up to make sure it was him, and sure enough, it was. William Kade, in all his glory.

With another boyfriend.

Deep down, Riley knew that Will had thought he was dead. But on the surface, it was just a boiling pot of hurt and anger and jealousy.

What the fuck, Will, Riley thought as he aggressively unpacked his bag into the small drawers next to the bed that had been someone else's up until now.  I waited for you when I didn't even know where you were. And you just completely moved on?

He thought I was dead, Riley reasoned with himself weakly, and he glanced over at the bunk beds across the room, which were vacant, and his jealousy returned full force.

Stupid small hot dog guy. What does Will even see in him?

"Yo, are you alright? What did those clothes ever do ta you?"

Riley looked up, a frown on his face, as the other boy in the cabin--Cole? Carson? Something weird--poked his head over the top of his bunk, his eyes slightly curious.

"Yeah," Riley said gruffly. "I'm fine. Just thinking."

Cole--or whatever his name was--blinked, then chuckled. "If ya say so. You're Riley, right? I'm Chaol."

Ah, so that was it. He looked up, lifting a brow. "How do you even spell that?"

Chaol chuckled and winked. "That's for me to know and you to be confused about. How do you know the Wish team?"

Riley blinked, lifting his brows. "The...who?"

Chaol smiled and sat cross legged, leaning against the railing of his bunk. "You know, Will and Ash. Wish."

Riley wrinkled his nose. Dammit, that's a really cute ship name. "...I'm Will's ex."

Chaol blinked, and then blinked again, and then burst out laughing. Riley didn't see what was so funny, and he quirked a brow as Chaol hooted, "WHOOO HOO. THIS IS GONNA BE FUN."

Riley frowned and decided that he didn't much like Chaol, stuffing the rest of his clothes into the drawers and then climbing into the bed, deciding that a shower could wait for the morning.

~ ~ ~

Riley was still awake when Will and Ash came back inside and climbed into their bunks silently, although it was the middle of the night. He rolled over peeking at them with half-closed eyes, pretending he was asleep. He saw Ash snuggle into his blankets with a slight smile, and his eyes flicked up to Will's bunk, where a soft glow from his phone emanated.

Wait, does he still have the same Instagram?

Riley rolled over so his back was to the bunks on the other side of the room and pulled out his phone, turning the brightness down all the way and pulling up Will's Insta. He'd never really posted anything, and now that he checked it was no different, but he pulled up his private messages and typed out a quick 'hey'

There was a long pause, and then:


Yeah, hey

Will didn't respond, and Riley poked his head out to see Will stari g at him, propped up on his elbows, a funny expression on his face. Ash was asleep already, and Chaol was snoring heavily above him.

Riley moved for his phone.

So...how have you been?

Glancing back up, Riley found that Will was no longer in his bed. How he moved so silently, Riley didn't know, but now he was standing next to the door, watching him tiredly. He motioned for him to follow, and Riley got up hesitantly and crossed to him as he tugged the door open and went outside.

They walked in silence for several long moments, and then Will stopped at the fire pit where they had seen each other for the first time. He sat down heavily, sighing and looking up at Riley, who blinked, then sat down next to him.

They didn't say anything for the longest time, and then Riley spoke up. "Are you glad?"

Will looked over, blinking. "What do you mean?"

Riley shrugged. "...are you...even happy? That I'm alive?"

Will didn't Esmond for a long time, and then he sighed. "Of course I am, Riley. I still love you."

Riley straightened his back, his eyes wide, and then Will continued. "...but not like that. Not anymore."

Riley sagged like the string holding him up had been cut, looking away and whispering, "Oh."

Will bit his lip and moved forward slightly, grabbing his hands and making Riley look at him. "Riley...I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, you know? This is just...how it is." He sounded regretful, and Rieoy stared at him, into those beautiful gray eyes that made his stomach flutter still, and he felt his heart break.

"Yeah," he said softly, brokenly. "This is just how it is."

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Ahaha. Look at me, posting at the time I said I would :)))))) Who else is like- ridiculously happy about this--


Q:...Do any of yall celebrate earth day?

A: Lol no-

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