30. Motherfucker

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tw abuse and slurs and blood and much oof :,)

They crept up to the abandoned cabin, and Will could feel his heart in his throat. Ash was right beside him, Riely and Chaol going around the other side to check it out from there.

Ash suddenly grabbed Will's hand. "Will," he breathed, and Will looked to him in surprise, nerves twisting and knotting in his stomach. "Um--I love you."

Will blinked, then smiled softly and took his face in his hands, kissing him softly. "I love you too. We're gonna be fine, love. Is it too much for me to ask for you to stay back?"

Ash snorted. "Yes. You're way out of line. Thin fucking ice, love."

Will blurted a nervous laugh, peering back at the cabin, and he swallowed.

Tristan might be in there.

He blew out a breath, taking Ash's hand and lacing their fingers together tightly, squeezing it briefly before looking to him. "Stay behind me, at least."

Ash hesitated, then nodded, and Will closed the last few meters of space between him and the dirty window at the back of the cabin, peeking inside, terrified but not willing to show it--especially not in front of Ash.

He could hardly see anything. He squinted, pressing his face to the glass, trying to clear a spot, and in the dim, grimy light he could just barely make out a crumpled form on the disgusting floor.

He swallowed. Oh, god.

He took a step back and looked at Ash. "...Okay. Um. I think he's in there."

Ash's hand flew to his mouth. "Oh, god--"

Will inhaled. "I'm going to try to get in through the window, okay? I need you to go find Chaol and Riley and bring them back here."

Ash paled slightly but nodded. "...you promise you'll be careful?"

Will blinked, then smiled and nodded. "I promise."

Ash nodded, and Will turned to head back to the window, calling softly over his shoulder. "I'm hoping I can just get in, grab him, drag his skinny white ass back out through the window, and we can get out of here." 

Ash nodded, looking down and hugging himself, and Will stopped at the window again, studying the build of it, and gently tried to slide it out of place, not wanting to make too much noise, and then pushed harder, huffing out a frustrated breath when it didn't move. he considered just punching it, but thought better of it, figuring that if his dad was in there that would just alert him, and he really couldn't do that.

He huffed, giving it one last harsh shove, and he inhaled through his nose when he felt it shift slightly. 

"Mother fucker," he whispered, excited. he continued to shove it until, inch by inch, he had it fully pushed to the side, big enough for a whole person to fit through--if that person wasn't fat, at least. that would be no problem for Tristan, who was skinnier than a fucking pole. 

will be looked around, grabbing the edge of the window and hoisting himself up with a soft "oof". he sat there for a moment before gingerly trying to hop down without any other sound.

Unfortunately, his boots thudded heavily against the ground, and the crumpled, dirty form of Tristan stirred. 

that wasn't the thing that made wills heart nearly stop in his chest.

there were footsteps in another room.

Oh god. oh god. oh god, the window--

he looked around with wide eyes, heart thudding in his ears, terrified and panicked, and he quickly grabbed the edge of the window and heaved, pulling it back into place with a loud hiss as the footsteps approached, coming closer and closer to the dark wood door that looked like it was rotting so much it would fall off the damn hinges any day now. he dove behind the door just as it swung open, and the owner of the footsteps sauntered in, snarling.

"Fucking fag. I heard you. what the fuck were you doing, huh?"

that voice.

it made will dizzy, and he fought back the urge to throw up, bile rising in his throat. the door threatened to close, which would expose him, and he desperately grabbed the handle, keeping it open and hidden behind it. a centipede skittered out of a hole in the wood, and Will shuddered.

there was a thump and a whimper, and then out a loud crack, and Will flinched as Tristan cried out softly. "Stop it," he pleaded. "stop it, please--"

"Shut the fuck up!!" Will's dad roared. "Shut UP!! You don't GET  to talk to me, you fucking FAGGOT!!"

Will's fists clenched but he didn't make a sound, listening to his father rant and abuse and beat the shit out of Tristan, heart shattering with every whimper and sob he heard from his friend. Then, finally, finally, he heard his footsteps approaching the door and let go of the handle as his dad grabbed it and slammed it behind him.

Tristan was curled in a tight ball, and Will paled at seeing the state of his face. He was covered in blood and dirt, and Will inhaled and stepped towards him, gasping. "Oh, Tristan," he said softly, crouching beside him, panic rising and adrenaline pumping through his veins. "I'm here--of my god--it's gonna be okay."

Tristan mumbled something incomprehensible, incredibly out of it, and Will inhaled, sliding an arm beneath him, about to pick him up when the door suddenly slammed open and there was a loud, unmistakable bang of a gun and something ripped through his shoulder.

it took Will a moment before the pain hit, and Will screamed.

- - - - - - - -

What a comeback huh :))

Yall everyone say a huuuge thank you to @TodayItsRainer who, 55 minutes ago, sent me into a spite-induced writing spree, and now you have a nearly 1000 word chapter :))

I am. so so so so sorry it took me nearly three months to pick this book up again but thank you all for so much support and the flood of notifications I receive every time I open this app :))) you guys are amazing and ily :))

Q: what time is it currently for you guys 

A: for me its 1:30 in the morning :,) no joke. this is how much ily guys

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