Chapter 4

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I just want to add this here; I want to put a disclaimer that the order of events might be noticeably messed up. My memory on the light novel is quite fuzzy for minor details like exact dates. Let's just ignore it and attribute this to plot convenience if that's cool. Now let's get into the chapter

Ayanokouji POV

It has been a few days now since my last precarious interaction with Kushida. Although it had turned out alright for me, I'm not exactly sure how much cooperation I should be expecting from her. I had decided to not meet with her after that since I was sure that she did not want to see my face any time soon.

"I'm guessing she hates me or something like that, though that is only to be expected from someone like her" I say to myself in bed

Previously, I had been threatened by Kushida for accidentally seeing something I shouldn't have. I was a bit shocked seeing how Kushida truly was, but that shock didn't last long. I had a suspicion that she might actually have some hidden side to her, as do most people. Her interactions felt unnatural, maybe even pre planned in a way, her words didn't come spontaneously. Now that I had discovered how she truly was, I was able to confirm my suspicions. I didn't expect her other side to be polar opposites of how she is. I had expected her to maybe just have a change in tone, dropping the enthusiasm in her voice a little, or feel more "natural" or relaxed, but I didn't expect such a violent side to her.

Now that I know what she is like, I had come to a certain question about her that I did not ask that night.

Kushida, which is the real you?

Like a similar scenario with Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, her personalities were total opposites in every manner, and the way they change was so fluid it was difficult to tell who is who. These thoughts just so happened to pass through my mind, and that they aren't too important, so I will disregard it for now.

"I wonder what Kushida is doing now" I mutter without thinking much

3rd Person POV

After what had happened between Kushida and Ayanokouji, there hadn't been much after that. The days were uneventful, and they passed without much change. The students had since been much less complacent, and they are taking classes more seriously, which is a good thing. The change may be slow, but Class-D wasn't going to remain at the bottom in these 3 years.

As Ayanokouji had these thoughts in his mind, it seemed that more trouble was following for Class-D

Ayanokouji POV

Today, I had been approached by a certain trouble maker from class. It had only recently happened when the student Sudou Ken, who is part of the 3 idiots, was at the verge of being expelled. Had it not been for the certain intervention of myself and 2 other students, he wouldn't be in this school continuing to strive for his passion of Basket ball. So why and how in God's name did he get into trouble so soon. I am now discussing this with him, since he was ashamed to report it directly to Horikita. Why exactly can't you tell her?

"Ayanokouji, could you help me out?"

"What exactly do you need from me?"

"W-well..I may have gotten into some trouble with some Class-C students"

"And by that, you mean?"

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