Create a new life form

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I decided it to re-write again, Cause the paragraph needs to be space. So won't have to trouble to read, Or any case needed to change the lines of the story.

[|⛔] Heads up for the chapters for some warnings of some readers will feel uncomfortable.

-Sexual themes


-Cutting limbs


(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favorite color

\Third Person/

A house lived on the mountains, Where machines and inventions making another set of army for them to rise. The sound of loud clank and build up armor is only they can hear, Rusty scrap metal broken parts are everywhere. A feminine figure appears at the shadow only to reveal herself in a red dress with Black and gold shoulder-chest plate, With a rosy red lipstick on looking at her husband.

"My love~, It is time for you to rest. You don't need to rush to take his staff." She said placing her hand on her hip. "I don't need patience, I don't want to wait. And I don't need to rest for what my brother have did." He declined while he was making his own armor, The lady in red sighs in exhaustion after taking care of her son. "If you do rush it, It will be the same as always."She stated, She knows her husband will lose again by his brother. Placing her hands gently on her husband back and patting him for comfort.

He growl underneath his breath, Placing down the hammer now thinking for what his wife said. He sure gets defeated by the Monkey king and ended up a pile of dirts and ashes covered him up, A soft voice calling out the couple. "Mother?. . Father? . ." Turing their heads revealing their child on pajamas now confused what did he step onto. "Good morning son, I'm sorry for the ruckus causing to interrupt your Beauty sleep. Your father is busy working his plans." She apologize to her red long hair son.

"It's alright mother, I understand" He a saw scrap metal on the ground as he kick it away. "How about you play outside, While me and your father will be making breakfast soon" Princess in red said as her son nodded with excitement, And rushes outside. "He forgot to change pajamas. ." Her husband noticed, While his wife chuckled. Now then the child runs back in and goes to room for him to change and quickly goes outside back.

Lady in red looks at her husband placing a hand under her husband's chin for him to look at her, She then place another hand the side of his cheek stroking gently. He chuckled as he does the same to her wife smiling. "It doesn't matter if you lose, As long you came back to me safely as your lovely wife comforts you, And of course our lovely son" Leaning her head to his head giving a little nudge, Chuckled more of how his wife really adores and cares for him giving her hug.


The boy been running around the small village, Using his fire powers to jump over rooftops to rooftops. Stops by at a market place, Pulling out a medium size sack on his hands. Looking for the right food for him to snatch, Slowly peaking down of a man getting distracted by another customer to buy supply of food. He slowly goes down and quickly snatches a pack of oranges and quickly runs away with his small legs.

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