Multiplication Table

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Man, have you seen season 2 episode 5 of lady bone spirit? I don't know if you guys saw it already but, :) I'm worried about MK really worried about my boy. MK is my favorite colossal dork Same as Mei and Red son. Wait change my mind all of the characters are my favorite dudes.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favorite color

(F/R) = Favorite ramen

(F/C) = Favorite Coffee

\ Third Person POV/

Local worker boy was waiting for the noodles, Sitting down on the wooden chair with his father figure. Using his pencil to sketch out the base of the city, Then draw the body base forming into a feminine body. Adding the hair and the clothes resembles her watching the city lights, Mr. Tang next to him eating his ramen as usual almost spills his soup on his sketch. Luckily, MK avoided moving his book away.

Drawing her eyes with a smile on her face, Curling the hair to make it more a decent drawing. Headphone attached to his head, Marking him vibing the music while doing sketching. Last night he couldn't get enough sleep, By thinking of her picture on his head. Siping a cup of coffee to make him energized this morning, He wonders what time she will be delivering his (F/C) bandana he ordered to trade with her.

Unbuttoning the lid of the paint set, Picking up the brush, Dipping a small amount of liquid. Brushing the wet brush of the darker red pigment and started to color his drawing, Putting in some lighting to make it a nicer piece of art. That he will treasure it in his book, Coloring her jacket, Her eyes, and her skin. Everything about her makes him delightful.

"Order up" Pigsy Ringing the counter bell, Mr. tang eating his noodles pointing his chopsticks to MK wearing headphones. Pigsy goes in front of MK for him to take notice. Taking off his headphones glancing up at him with a nervous smile. "Yes Pigsy?" Pigsy moved the ramen noodles forward telling him to deliver. Placing the wet paint sketch near the fan for it dry, Placing the paintbrush inside the watercolor closing it. Grabbing the noodles and went outside. "He likes her, Huh?" Pigsy notices the drawing, "Mhm, It's nice to see him this happy." Slurping the ramen noodle.

MK places the noodles in the storage box, Steps into the vehicle pulling out his phone tracking the customer's location. Stepping the gas peddle as he drove off, It takes him 10 minutes to get there. Steps out of his vehicle and knocks on the door, "Pigsy's noodles!" Gave the guy carrying his child. Handing over the money in exchange to MK, and started to drive off delivering more customers, Sending each customer with their order repaying him money. Driving off again have plenties of noodles to submit.

Handed the noodle package with two girls living together repaying him money in exchange, Two noodles for the old couple exchange for money. Sweet old women give him a reward bag of moon shape Cookies, Driving off with his vehicle still feeling good mood today. Pushing the breaks to make it stop, waiting for the green light. Pulling out his phone to check the nearest location, Took one glance from his phone watching the red light counting down. In his right direction, he saw her scrolling in her phone.

"(Y/N)!" He waved at her with a wide smile, She looks at him raising her eyebrows. "Come here for a second!" Demanded MK, (Y/N) shoves her phone in her pocket, and floats towards his vehicle. " are you?" She wasn't sure if she can chit-chat with Red Son's enemy. Well, red isn't here with him so no choice but to chat. "Doing..good?" Looking at the traffic lights still counting down the red light.

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