Chapter 29

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From then on, Jenna joined Lily, Alice, and Marlene wherever they went, whether it was for when they walked to classes together, or even at meal times in the Great Hall. Even though Jenna kept striking up little arguments with Marlene just to annoy her, she was actually starting to like the blonde girl as well.

Throughout her whole life, Jenna had thought that she was incapable of finding another friend that she could have fun with as much as she had with James. But even though Jenna had only spent time with the three girls for a few hours, she already felt extremely close to them.

Maybe hanging out with them wouldn't be too bad after all, Jenna thought to herself as they were sitting at the Gryffindor table over lunch. They seem pretty cool.

Although at the same time, James, Sirius, and Peter were far too worried to have any fun. They tried to search for Remus any time between classes and at lunch time, but they couldn't find him anywhere. They had searched the library, the Hogwarts grounds, the Owlery, and many deserted corridors and classrooms.

     The only places that were left to search were the hospital wing, the astronomy tower, and the east side of the castle. Although they had left hospital wing for last, worried and even scared that Remus was actually hurt.

"We better get going," said James, five minutes after they had sat in the Great Hall for dinner. His mind was far too occupied to eat.

"But — but I'm still hungry!" Peter said desperately.

"Look, we can have some food from the kitchen later tonight," said James. "We have to go to the hospital wing and see if Remus is there or not. He might be hurt."

"But —"

"C'mon, Peter!" Sirius clapped a hand on Peter's shoulder before getting up to his feet.

Peter groaned, but at last he put aside his plate with a look of misery, and at last followed the other two boys out of the Great Hall.

"Where is the hospital wing, anyway?" James huffed as the three boys ran through the castle, trying to find their way toward the ward.

"Dunno. Let's ask one of the portraits," Sirius suggested, nearing a portrait of a group of people wizards who seemed to be in the middle of an argue.

"Hey! Hello?" Sirius called out, trying to get their attention. "Can you tell us where the hospital wing is?"

The wizards in the portrait glanced down at the four boys, whispering excitedly together.

"And who are you, young man?" asked one of the wizards.

"Sirius Black," he answered, not sure why this question was necessary.

"Black, did you say?" another one of them grinned, looking both amused and impressed. "One of the Sacred 28, aren't you?"

"Does it matter?" Sirius mumbled under his breath gloomily, looking away.

"Er..." James glanced sideways at Sirius, seeing how troubled he suddenly looked. But he then turned his face back on the portrait. "Can you just tell us where the hospital wing is?"

"Well, you have to exit this corridor and enter the next building," one of them started explaining, though the others were too busy whispering among themselves as they kept glancing at Sirius's direction. "Then, you'll have to go two floors up, and you'll reach the ward."

"Okay, thanks!" James shouted as he had already started running through the corridor, Sirius and Peter following him right behind.

The three Gryffindors ran toward the hospital wing as fast as their legs could carry them, and Peter was left panting once they reached the ward.

Pushing the door open, they walked inside the ward, but took aback when they only found one bed occupied by a Hufflepuff girl, who had inured herself during Quidditch practice.

"I don't understand... then where is he?" James huffed to himself loudly, still looking around.

"Ooh, look!" Peter suddenly exclaimed.

Sirius and James abruptly turned to face him. "What is it!?" Sirius quickly asked.

"The moon is full!" Peter said, pointing out of the hospital window at the sky. "That looks awesome!"

But before Sirius or James could reply, the doors to the ward opened once more and a healer walked inside. It was Madam Pomfrey. For some reason, she looked lost in her thoughts and extremely worried, and it seemed as if she were returning from somewhere.

Although she was snapped out of her thoughts the moment she saw the three boys standing there in the middle of the large room.

"What are you boys doing here? Are you all okay?" she asked, looking around at them for any sign of injury or trouble.

"No, we're okay," said Sirius. "We were — um — we were just wondering if our friend Remus has been here."

"Remus, did you say?" Madam Pomfrey raised a brow at them, but then briskly shook her head at them. "No, he hasn't been here. And if all of you are feeling all right, then I suggest you get out of this ward immediately! I don't want you causing disturbance to the patients here!"

"With all due respect, ma'am, you're speaking even louder than us, "James started, holding back a grin. "I think you're causing more disturbance —"

"OUT!" Madam Pomfrey shouted, pointing at the ward's doors.

Suddenly feeling horrified, James, Sirius, and Peter made a run for it and left the hospital wing immediately for the fear of their life.

When they finally came to a stop outside the building and under the moonlight, they waited a while to catch their breath.

"Well, that was odd," said Sirius, and James nodded in agreement.

"What are you talking about?" Peter questioned, looking between them in confusion.

"Didn't you see the look on her face when we mentioned Remus's name?" said Sirius, looking at Peter as if it should've been obvious. "She knew something."

"Exactly." James nodded firmly. "Something isn't right. I can feel it."

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