Chapter 63

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All three of them tucked underneath the Invisibility Cloak, James, Sirius, and Peter walked back down into the common room, making their way toward the portrait hole as they tried not to bump into anyone.

     Although it was proven to be harder than they had thought, because all the older students were dancing to the loud music in the middle of the room, moving around and blocking the three boys' way.

     At last, they managed to leave the common room without being noticed, closing the portrait of the Fat Lady behind them. As quietly as they possibly could, they walked through the corridors and different floors of the castle, getting themselves up to the hospital wing.

     They walked through the open doors of the ward, looking around from underneath the cloak. To their surprise, the hospital wing was empty except for a Slytherin Chaser who had been knocked off his broom earlier that day during the match and had been injured.

     "Where's Madam Pomfrey?" Sirius whispered quietly so they wouldn't wake the Slytherin boy up.

    "Dunno. Maybe she —" James was saying, but Peter cut him off as he gestured excitedly at the ward's window closest to them.

     "Look over there!" Peter exclaimed quietly.

     The three of them moved in unison so they could get closer to the window and see what Peter was talking about, only to spot Madam Pomfrey there, walking through the grounds with a supportive arm wrapped around a young boy with sandy brown hair.

    "Holy crap! That's Remus!" Sirius cried out loudly before he could stop himself.

     "Shh!" James tried to silence him, but it was too late. The Slytherin boy on the bed at the back of the ward had stirred, his eyes opening.

    He looked around in confusion, but finding the ward empty, he closed his eyes again and went back to sleep. Peter sighed in relief.

     "Let's go after them," James whispered after they had made sure that the Slytherin Chaser was asleep again.

   Sirius gave a single nod in response, and so the three of them carefully turned around to leave the hospital wing. This time, they had to gain more speed and walk faster if they wanted to catch up with Madam Pomfrey and Remus. Thankfully, due to Remus's weak condition, he and the Healer were taking slow steps, so it wasn't too hard to get to them.

     The sun was still shining up ahead of them as James, Sirius, and Peter reached the two, following after them from a safe distance. There was still around an hour left to sunset.

     "Where are they going?" Peter whispered quietly, watching in astonishment as they realized that Madam Pomfrey was leading Remus toward the Whomping Willow, supporting him up with one arm so his knees wouldn't give away.

     "What the hell is going on..." James muttered, as though mostly talking to himself. The three boys had now stopped walking, staring ahead.

    They flinched, thinking that the tree was going to attack them any moment now, but their jaws nearly dropped at what they saw next.

     Madam Pomfrey took out her wand from her white robe's pocket, pointed it at a piece of wood which laid nearby, and nonverbally used the levitation Charm on it, causing the piece of wood to fly upward. The boys watched carefully as Madam Pomfrey float the wood closer toward the tree, and then lowered it, pressing a knot by the tree trunk with it. On cue, the Whomping Willow stopped moving, as though frozen.

     Their eyes then widened when Madam Pomfrey placed her wand back in her pocket and then led Remus through a hole inside the Whomping Willow, disappearing out of sight.

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