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The next morning, the students had begun packing their trunks to leave Hogwarts for the summer. But the four boys had missed breakfast that day, because they had been away until six a.m. the previous night, running around the Dark Forest.

And even after returning to their dorm, they stayed up even longer, joking around and even coming up with new nicknames for each other.

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

They were the Marauders.

That was the name they wanted to be known as. The castle belong to them at night, and the world was theirs to conquer. Together, they were unstoppable.

Well, except for that morning, when they couldn't even keep their eyes open enough to make their way down to the Hogwarts Express.

"You know what I've been thinking?" Sirius asked as the boys sat in the compartment, filled with candies they had bought from the Trolley Lady, though were too tired to eat them.

"What?" James asked, his eyes closed.

"What if our kids become half-animals?" said Sirius, making the others laugh.

"Could you imagine?" said James, snorting with laughter. "My baby popping out as a stag waist-down with antlers on his head."

"Your poor wife," Remus chuckled.

"Ah, yes! My beautiful wife: Mrs. Lily Potter!" James said dramatically.

Sirius grimaced. "I feel like I'm about to puke."

"Please don't," Peter groaned. "If someone pukes, I'll puke. Can't help it."

"No one's puking, Peter," said Remus.

"Don't you mean Wormtail?" James sniggered.

"Oh, yes, you're right, sorry," Remus said sarcastically, grinning. "My apologies, Prongs."

"No worries, Moony." James shook a hand at him.

"I can't wait until we're back at Hogwarts again. Oh, we're going to have some fun next year," said Sirius, smirking. "The possibilities are endless. It's going to be the best freaking years of our lives."

"My thoughts exactly, Padfoot," said James, looking outside the train's window with glee. "My thoughts exactly."


The only students at Hogwarts who weren't exactly happy about summer, were the Marauders. They couldn't wait until they could be back at school.

But at last, the wait was over as their Hogwarts letters arrived with school owls, carrying the list of their needed books for the upcoming year. They counted the days until they were back at King's Cross, carrying their trunks through the crowded station, finding their way to Platform 9 and 10 with their families.

"I still can't believe they didn't make me a Prefect!" James told Jenna with a huff as they pushed their trolleys through King's Cross station.

"I'm sorry, what?" Jenna scoffed. "James, you spend more time in detention than in classes, what did you expect?"

"Oh, you're one to talk," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Who did you expect was going to get the badge, then?"

     "Well, for one, I thought that Remus would make Gryffindor's Prefect." she said. "He's way smarter than you, and nicer, and more responsible."

     "Watch it J.P, or one might think that you have a thing for Moony,"  James said teasingly. "But he did get the badge in the end, though, didn't he?"

Mischief Managed | 𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Where stories live. Discover now