Chapter 97

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The week at the McKinnons house was exactly what the girls needed for their summer break. Playing Quidditch all day long, and at night gathering by the lake and making a bonfire — with the help of Mrs. McKinnon's magic, of course.

      By the first of September, they were all excited to start their fourth year at Hogwarts. But no one was more excited than Marlene, who received another box of home-made pumpkin pies from Mrs. Potter at King's Cross station.

     "You guys go ahead. I'll be there after I say goodbye to my parents," Jenna told her friends, who left her side to find an empty compartment on the train.

     "Fourth year, huh?" Mrs. Potter smiled. "Excited?"

     "Definitely." Jenna nodded, hugging her mother.

     "And don't cause too much trouble." She said, tucking a piece of her daughter's new pink hair behind her ear.

     "Yes. I don't want to receive any letters indicating that you've been caught while causing the trouble," said Mr. Potter, making Jenna laugh.

     She hugged him as well, tightly. "Bye, Dad. I'll miss you."

     "I'll miss you, too." He smiled. "Anyway, where's that devil brother of yours? He was just here a minute ago. He's not planning on leaving without saying goodbye, is he? That's illegal."

"I'm sure he's somewhere aro — oh, there he is," said Mrs. Potter, spotting his son in the crowded station.

Jenna followed her gaze, seeing that James was standing next to Sirius — who surprisingly grew even taller during summer — as they were chatting up with a group of fifth year girls. The girls seemed to be swooning over them, one of them blushing, one playing with her hair, and one touching Sirius's arm shamelessly as she flirted with him. He certainly didn't seem to mind.

     "Disgusting," Jenna muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

      "Hmm, am I sensing a bit of jealousy?" Mrs. Potter grinned, raising a knowing brow at her.

     "What?" Jenna said defensively, frowning. "Why in Merlin's stinky pants would I ever be jealous of that boy? He can have the whole castle pining after him for all I care."

     "Okay, then. No need to get all defensive about it." Her mother chuckled. "You go ahead. If you want to wait for your brother, you'll be standing here all day."

"He's enjoying himself a little bit too much. I'd say three days, least," Mr. Potter joked.

Jenna laughed, hugging both of them one last time before boarding the train to find her friends. But she was walking down the train's crowded corridor that she spotted Remus, walking in the opposite direction. He smiled the moment she saw her.

"Jenna! Hello — oh, hi." Remus had raised his arm to shake her hand, but stopped in surprise and laughed when Jenna leaned in to hug him.

She laughed awkwardly. "Sorry — I thought you were going for a hug —"

"No, no — it's okay — my fault." He chuckled, leaning in to bring her into a hug. "Had a good time over the summer?"

"Oh, yeah. It was awesome!" Jenna nodded. "We stayed over at Marlene's summer house. Played Quidditch all day long. Lily wasn't too thrilled about it though."

"I could imagined." He laughed. "Honestly, we had to hear all about it from James all summer."

     "What do you mean?"

     "Oh, you know; writing letters to us everyday complaining about how you were spending your summer with Evans, his owls showing up at our windows at three a.m, his head appearing in our fireplace in the middle of lunch... just the normal James Potter stuff."

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