Chapter 68

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With December finally drawing to an end, everyone was excitement to be back at home for the Christmas break, spending more time with their families throughout the holiday.

Just like the previous years, James and Jenna were in charge of decorating the Christmas tree at the Potter Manor, but after the chaos they had caused last year, Mrs. Potter ordered Mickey to keep an eye on the twins, so they wouldn't get themselves into any more mischief.

On Christmas eve, just like always, the Potters were hosting a magnificent Christmas Ball in their manor, inviting friends, distant relatives, a few Ministry officials they worked with, and many famous witches and wizards from all over the country.

For this year's party, Jenna chose to wear a bright dress with long bell-sleeves that had started to become very fashionable those days, and wore a pretty headband around her hair. She stood before her bedroom's mirror in her brown boots, changing her hair color to find one that could suit her dress perfectly. She could do with some help.

     "Mum!" Jenna called out loudly, looking back at her own reflection as she turned her hair a golden color.

     When she got no answer from her mother, Jenna left her room and ran downstairs, skipping a stair every once in a while. She then followed her mother's voice into the kitchen, where she was talking to Mickey.

     "...will arrive in less than an hour. Do you think you can set up the dishes on the table in the hall?" Mrs. Potter was saying.

     "Of course, my Lady!" Mickey squeaked happily and then bowed deeply, the next moment vanishing from the kitchen.

    "Mum," Jenna called again, catching her attention. "Do you think blonde looks good with this dress?"

     Mrs. Potter smiled at her direction. "You look amazing, darling."

     "But what about the hair? Does it go with the dress?"

     "As long as you like it, then yes, it goes with everything," Mrs. Potter said reassuringly, going on one knee in front of Jenna to place a little kiss on her nose, making her giggling.

     "Ah, look at my little angel!" Jenna turned around at her father's voice, seeing him walk into the kitchen, already in his tux. Jenna laughed as he picked her up in his arms. "Whoa! You've grown up so much! Slow down!"

     Mrs. Potter chuckled as he put Jenna back down. "I better go and check on James. He's taking too long to get ready. He'll be late for when the guests arrive."

     "Five Galleons says his not even out of the shower yet," said Mr. Potter with a smirk as he took out his wand and bewitched the champagne glasses to float out of the cupboard and lay down on the kitchen counter.

     "Five Galleons says he's not even awake yet from his afternoon nap," said Jenna, but Mrs. Potter had already gone upstairs.

     After almost an hour, James finally walked downstairs after the first few guests had already arrived. After greeting them in a hurry, James rushed toward the window which was closest to the entrance door, his gaze fixed on the distance where the guest Apparated one by one.

     A beautiful music was already playing; Mr. Potter had enchanted a piano, a violin, a harp, and a cello to play on their own in a corner. The guests talked and laughed, each having a glass of champagne in hand, which magically got filled whenever it emptied. A few couples were waltzing to the classical music in the middle of the dance floor.

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