Chapter 88

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"Hello, ladies," James greeted the girls with a smug grin as he walked toward them. He carried his broomstick with one hand over his shoulder, making him look more arrogant than ever before, if that was even possible.

"What is it, J.P?" Jenna questioned, but right at that moment she realized that James wasn't even looking at her.

"How are you doing today, Evans?" said James, running a hand through his jet-black hair and ruffling it up, as though flying around for two hours hadn't made it messy enough.

"What don't you get straight to the point and just say what you want, Potter?" Lily told him, narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously.

"Just wanted to say how ravishing you look today, Evans," James said flirtatiously, his grin never fading away.

Whether James was expecting Lily to smile or feel flattered at the compliment, he ended up disappointed, because she showed no sign of flattery.

Jenna glared at her brother, afraid that this conversation was going where she dreaded.

"Well, if that's all you wanted to say, then good day to you," Lily snapped at him coldly and began to walk away, but James was quick to stop her.

"No, wait! Wait!" he said briskly, moving along her path and stopping in front of her. But then he shook his head, trying to regain his cool as he grinned again. "There's something else I wanted to say."

"What?" Lily asked, folding her arms at him expectedly.

James ran his hand through his hair again, finally saying, "The Hogsmeade trip is in a few days, and I want to take you out on a date."

"Oh, no." Jenna face-palmed, knowing how this was going to turn out. Alice watched the scene worriedly, as Marlene looked between them with excitement.

There was nothing Marlene loved more than a hot, fresh gossip. Or even better, the chance to be present when the said gossip was taking place.

"What?" Lily snarled, her eyes widening.

James shrugged, still smirking. "You heard me, Evans. Go out with me."

Jenna sighed to herself. "Here we go..."

It was right at that moment when Lily's face turned red, almost the same color of her fiery hair, and so she began yelling,

     "Listen here, James Potter! First of all, if you want to go out with someone, you don't demand them to go on a date with you! I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you're not the king of the world! Secondly, you've got some nerve to think for a second that I'll agree to this after how horribly you've treated my friend in the past years!"

     "Who? Snivellus? What does he have to do with this?" James scoffed mockingly. "C'mon, Evans. You're gonna have way more fun if you go out with me in Hogsmeade rather than hanging around with that old grease ball."

     Sirius snorted with laughter behind him, but Lily certainly didn't share the same humor.

"I wouldn't go out with you even if it was a choice between you and a filthy squid, Potter! Now get out of my way!" Lily shouted, before walking past him and storming away.

     Sirius burst out laughing at the confused expression on James's face. Alice and Marlene ran after Lily, though Jenna remained on the spot, glaring daggers at her brother.

     "What's the matter with you?" Jenna snapped at him angrily. "Honestly, if that's how you're planning on asking people out, you'll die a virgin, brother." And so, with one last glare at him, she turned around and disappeared into the girls' locker room.

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