Chapter 48

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James and Jenna were having the time of their lives over the summer. They slept in for as long as they wished, had the delicious breakfast that Mickey set out for them, played Quidditch all day long, and took breaks in between by having lemonade with ice.

They even used up all the things in Jenna's Zonko's package which she had gotten from her birthday. Although seeing as Mrs. Potter had clearly banned any sort of pranks inside the house, they took it to the yard.

That beautiful Monday morning was no different than the other summer days. Or at least, that's what the twins thought. They certainly hadn't expected that a simple breakfast with their parents would take such a tragic turn.

That day, Jenna was first to wake up in the house. Usually, the twins would wake up with their parents gone, leaving them alone in Mickey's care. With You-Know-Who at large, the Aurors had to spend more time at the Ministry or at battle fields, trying to search for dark wizards and Death Eaters. But that morning, Mr. and Mrs. Potter had the day off, and were going to spend every hour with their kids.

Jenna took her usual morning shower and by the time she had gotten completely ready for the day and walked downstairs, she found her brother sitting at the kitchen table. His jet-black hair was messier than usual now that he had clearly just woken up, and his eyes weren't fully open. He hadn't even put on his glasses yet.

"Morning," said Jenna cheerfully, taking her usual seat at the table.

James was still too sleepy to answer her, so he just gave a lazy wave of his hand as hello. Soon, they were joined by their parents, and Mickey set the breakfast table with a simple snap of his fingers.

"Thank you, Mickey." Mrs. Potter smiled at the house elf kindly, and so he gave a deep bow before disappearing out of the kitchen and vanishing into thin air.

"Ooh!" Jenna clapped her hands together in excitement as she looked at the table, a hungry grumble in her stomach that grew stronger when the delicious scent reached her.

There were pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon there, with delicious looking baked potatoes. There were also bottles of fresh orange juice and pumpkin juice, along with tea and even coffee for their parents.

  Jenna smiled to herself as her stomach gave out another little growl. I'm turning into Marlene, she thought.

"So, did you kids sleep well last night?" Euphemia asked, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Mhm," said Jenna, her mouth already full as she took a bite of her bacon. She then raised her glass to take a sip of her fresh pumpkin juice.

"Yeah, it was fi —" James was saying, but he stopped in mid-sentence when his voice gave a little crack, sounding different.

  He cleared his throat, his eyes suddenly wide in surprise.

"Ehem!" James said loudly to try out his voice, which seemed to be all right again. "Anyway... I was saying that I slept fine —" his voice let out another crack, and this time Jenna snorted into her drink.

"Shut up! It's not funny!" James snapped at his sister furiously, his voice again turning back to how it always had been. But Jenna laughed even harder.

"He's right, Jenna," said Euphemia calmly. "There's nothing funny about puberty."

That finally did manage to give an end to Jenna's laughter, and she fell into an uncomfortable silence, pursing her lips together. She really hoped that the conversation would end right there and then, but she wasn't that lucky.

"Well... now that we're on this topic," their father started, clearing his throat awkwardly, "Mia and I were actually thinking about... you know... having the talk with you two."

James and Jenna glanced at each other in horror, dreading what was going to happen and what they were about to hear.

"You know what? I think I'm full," said James, pushing his plate back and getting up to his feet.

"Yeah, me too." Jenna nodded quickly and was about to get up as well that their parents stopped them.

"Sit down, you two," Mrs. Potter in her stern voice. "This is very important."

Gulping, James and Jenna sat back down, their appetite completely lost as they stared down at their plates awkwardly, waiting for the long-lasting lecture to begin.

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