The First Move (1)

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The First Move (1)

Today's the day, the day he's been waiting for to start his first move of the operation. Erwin walked down the same road as how he is every day, passed the same grocery store in his neighborhood, rode the same train, and finally arrived at the same school he went to for the past few weeks.

The familiar sounds of chatters and footsteps echoed around the school hallway. Erwin scanned his eyes around the hallway, trying to spot a familiar face as he walked his way to his classroom. Setting his bag down on his chair, he stood up and made his way into the library. He couldn't found the familiar student in the hallway, so he followed his intuition to go to the library.

The scent of the library early in the morning is in fact Erwin's favorite scent. The soft light of the sun that went through the white curtains give the library a feel of comfort and peace. As the color of the dim sunlight lightens the edge of every paper and books in the bookshelf, giving life to the library. There wasn't that many people in the library, there were only the librarian and some students that Erwin guessed were the members of the library.

Erwin went to the computer section. The teenager with black hair and square glasses was sitting down on the seat in front the same computer he sat down when Erwin first saw him. The teenager face look devastated, his eyes gave an impression that he hadn't sleep since yesterday. His eyes stare blankly into his computers, fingers tapping on every word he found on the keyboard.

"Pyure." Erwin called out his name.

Pyure jumped, surprised at the greeting. He looked at Erwin and smile. Suddenly his face looks brighter unlike what he used to look like when he was typing on the computer. Erwin sat down on a chair right beside his.

"You don't look fine.. you do know that right?" Erwin cut into the case, being direct to the teenager.

Pyure replied with a sigh.

"Yes. I got that a lot." He said, facing back to his computer and started typing again.

"But really tho I'm fine. I.. It's tiring to keep writing without getting any good response from readers... but I like it Erwin." He continued.

"I really like writing stories, even tho it's-"

"How about if I offer you a good story to write on?"

Pyure eyes lighten up, he stopped writing and look back at the blond blue eye teenager besides him. He froze for a second, and he let out a chuckle.

"Let me guess, I need to pay a price or something for that?" He said as he continued to type on the keyboard.

"It's Free." Erwin said.

Pyure eyes lighten up again, he stared at Erwin in disbelieve. Erwin stood up from his seat. Giving Pyure a confident smile, then sighed.

"If you don't want it, well I guess I can give it to-"

"I accept the offer." Pyure stated, confidently.

Erwin smiled. He nodded as a response and walked away from the teenage boy who is still taken a back with the offer he received. Erwin chuckled on his way out of the library. Pyure reacted just how he wanted him to. Just as how he predicted. He smiled. Erwin's plans were coming together.

On his way back Erwin decided to go to the cafeteria. He walked down the stairs, passed a couple of his classmates who greeted him. He greeted back with a welcoming smile. He held his head up high, full of confidence. His mind tried focusing on the plan he had set, counting possibilities of the outcomes and preparing a plan B. All that while walking down the stairs to the cafeteria.

DEVILS [ ERWIN X HANGE ] Highschool AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt