Strong but Powerless (1)

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CH. 10

Strong but Powerless (1)

Four days ago, the day of the vault incident.

"I heard you over cleaned the class again Levi. You're off cleaning duties for today, you can clean again next week." Class 2A's homeroom teacher said to the raven haired boy in the teacher faculty room.

"Just do your extracurricular activities for today, you're dismissed." She continued. Levi gave her a nod then he left the teacher faculty.

He sighed, a little upset that he couldn't clean the class that day. His head started to analyze possible candidates who could've reported to the teacher about him over cleaning it yesterday as he walked through the hallway, passing students who were about to go home.

Again what do they mean by over cleaning it? I thought the cleaner the better. Tch. He thought, grunting as he did.

He passed class 2A, he peeked inside to see who's taking his part of the duty that day.

Oh it's Erwin. I think in this kind of matter he's trustable.

He glanced again and he saw Hange sweeping the same room as Erwin. The two chatted and laughed as they cleaned the classroom. Instead of paying attention if they're doing their job correctly, Levi found himself staring at the brunette. The warm light of sunshine fell upon her weirdly tied hair. Her eyes reflected on the little bits of lights as she looked down and swept while smiling and chatting. Looking at Hange's smile, Levi scoffed.

At least four eyes is having fun.

Feeling less annoyed, Levi continued walking to the music studio which was located up stairs. Why music studio you ask? Because he's a part of the S. Corp Highschool's Band. At first Levi hated the idea of performing in front of a lot of people, singing songs while playing the electric guitar but he slowly found the idea interesting as the homeroom teacher tried persuading him to take part of the band (or else he would over clean the class again).

A half an hour passed, Levi was playing music with his squad until the announcement bell rang. Levi gave a hand sign to the others, telling them to stop and listen to the announcement. Some members took the chance and went out to take a break while Levi himself leaned to the walls of the music studio, listening to the announcement.

"Attention! To Hange Zoe from class 2A. I repeat, to Hange Zoe from class 2A, your attendance is expected in the teacher's faculty. Thankyou"

"Tch. What did that idiot do this time?" Levi clicked his tongue.

"Petra." He called one of his band members.

"Yes, Levi?" The girl with short copper hair replied.

"I'm going to the teacher's faculty for a second, tell the others to continue practicing if they're already back." Levi ordered, he set his electric guitar to the wall beside him.

"Ok. Levi."

"Oh yeah, also tell them to rehearse the reff part again. I'll be back." Levi said as he closed the music studio room's door behind him.

Levi walked at a fast pace. His head tried remembering what Hange did earlier that day that could've gotten her into trouble and see if he could help her find a way out of it.

Was it lunch time? I wasn't with her then. He thought.

The speaker sounded like Ms. Faustine. Her tone sounded like she called Hange as if she did something wrong or maybe I'm just overthinking this? He clicked his tongue, hoping it's not something serious.

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