Strong but Powerless (6)

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CH. 15

Strong but Powerless (6)

"Levi Ackerman.. So that's his surname." Erwin murmured.

Erwin and Mike left the building after questioning the politician for a little while. They went into the black van Mike borrowed. Erwin sat on the back seat while Mike sat on the driver seat. Erwin began loosening his tie then he took off his suit revealing his white shirt underneath as soon as he closed the car door when he entered.

"Erwin, I think in this case Mr. Coleman is going to intervene if you decide to duel his son. He did cover the bullying his son did last time, there's a possibility he will repeat that." Mike said as he readjusted his black glasses and started the van.

"He managed to make an Ackerman's mouth shut.. He might be way more powerful than we thought in the political world." He added.

"But isn't that kind of odd?" Erwin asked. He leaned on his hand which was resting on the car door.

"The Ackermans sure are known by their reputation in the black market. I heard they made millions of dollars in the black market every year.-"

"That being said, when I went to Levi's house and provoked him.. He didn't seem to have the possession of a huge amount of money."

"Also isn't it true that the Ackerman had a weakness which is the person they're attached to? And if Levi is an Ackerman wouldn't he'd attack Coleman four years ago regardless how powerful Coleman was? So why?" Erwin set his index finger on his chin.

"But Erwin, didn't you say that there was an underclassmen of yours that's also a part of the Ackermans?" Mike asked.

Erwin stared at the night sky. His mind wandered off to his last conversation with Mikasa Ackerman. He remembered how the underclassmen looked at him that day when he mentioned that he was holding someone as hostage.

If Levi was also in a similar problem, wouldn't he do the same four years ago? But why did he stop?

"Mikasa Ackerman. I did get a sense of an Ackerman when I provoked her." Erwin answered.

"You provoked her? Knowing she's an Ackerman?" Mike glanced at the rear view mirror.

"She had an attachment to Eren Yeager, as long as I stay away from the boy she won't do things that aren't necessary."

Erwin sighed, he leaned back to his seat.

"If Levi is an Ackerman then he sure is an interesting one." Erwin scoffed.

"What if Mr. Church nor Ms. Magnolia was never someone he found attached to?" Mike asked.

"Could it be Hange Zoe?" Mike added.

"That.. could be the case, if they did meet before the incident." Erwin took out the photo once more to observe it again.

"Or.. Is it possible that he somewhat sees Ms. Magnolia in Hange Zoe?" He added, realizing the huge wide smile of the victim in the photo with the other two.

"But I guess to prove that I need to look deeper to Ms. Magnolia's personality." Erwin sighed, he put back the photo into the file alongside with the other newspapers.

"Ah right about Mr. Coleman.." Erwin started.

"I guess in dealing with someone big like him we need a bigger name involved." Erwin continued.

"Like Edward?"

"Unfortunately that's the case. He does, after all, work in a school built by the Smiths. The only way to get him off the picture is to involve the current head of Smith Inc."

DEVILS [ ERWIN X HANGE ] Highschool AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ