Strong but Powerless (5)

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CH. 14

Strong but Powerless (5)

There's a reason why Hange Zoe avoided Erwin two days ago. She actually had been silently observing the blondie since their first encounter. At first, she found the blondie's personality to be very eye-catching to her. Unlike the other students in S. Corp Highschool, despite not coming from a noble family, Hange thought that Erwin Smith was a strange individual. Maybe it was the way he talked or the way he made connections with others in the school. She felt something.. was off in how he socialized, though she couldn't quite pin what exactly felt wrong about him.

And so she started observing the blondie, that was when she started seeing sides of Erwin that stood out most to her. The sides she saw in him gave her both the feeling of something bad and good at the same time, she didn't realize she was actually struggling in deciding which between the two until Erwin asked her out that day in the library.

When he asked her out, Hange's mind went blank as soon as she got home. She had an inner conflict whether to agree or disagree to the offer. A part of her had a bad hunch about the blondie but another part of her wanted to go. She warned herself a thousand- no a million times over and over again how she's been suspicious of the blondie since his first day. Nevertheless, the more she warned herself, the more she longed to accept the offer. Though it took her some time, she decided to distance herself with him that day.

As she distanced herself, she felt as if something was missing in her. Other than that, to her surprise, she found Erwin's other side while distancing herself with him. A side that reminded her of his comforting presence.

She realized that the side that gave her the hunch that he was a good person was always there since the very beginning. A side that showed how genuine he felt around her.

The way he smiled at her jokes, the way he comforted her during the vault incident, the way he bought her food, and there's also that chocolate bar and milk he gave to her even when she distanced herself with him.

The small things he did around her felt genuine.

"I mean, it's not that bad...." Hange mumbled to herself, her cheeks formed a slight tint of red.

"What? You're saying something, four eyes?" Levi asked.

"Oh no no nothing!"

It was thursday and the two were walking home together. School ended earlier that day because there was a teacher meeting regarding the semester test. Hange set her two arms behind her head as she inhaled a huge amount of oxygen while walking.

"Too bad Erwin had an urgent thing to do after school, he can't walk home with us." She sighed, remembering their conversation with Erwin earlier.

"Oh right Levi! Can you help me with something?" The brunette asked.

"Tch. What do you want four eyes?"

Now that's the usual tongue clicking Levi I know.. What happened two days ago? Should I ask him? Hange thought.

"I.. I need some advice, hehe." Hange scratched the back of her neck.

"Tch. Since when did you start listening to my advice?" Levi sighed.

"No sir! I always listen to your advice!"

"Yeah right, if that's the case then Erwin or Pyure could've cut the frog at ease on our bio experiment that day instead of holding you back so that I didn't have to." He hissed.

"... That's- well.. hehe yeah, but! I promised this time I'm going to hear you out!"

"Tch. Fine." The raven haired boy stopped.

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