Curiosity lead the best of them

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AN: Before I start I would just like to say this is my first story I ever made. So sorry if it's not that good and if there are any mistakes. 😅

Please if you are reading this. I will let you f@cking know that this book is complete sh!t and is f@cking cringe 😃👌

3rd person POV
"Dad! Dad! Wake up!" Yelled the youngest state Hawaii. "You don't want to be late for the world meeting!" She yelled as she was jumping on her father America.

"Ok Ok, I'm up." Said America as he groaned but then forced a little chuckle when he saw Hawaii, while getting up from his warm bed he looked and saw that it was still dark. America couldn't really sleep, he usually goes to bed 2 or 3 am, mostly because he was either some doing work or making sure his kids are ok. It was mostly him doing work tho. Once saw once he saw it was kinda dark outside America looked at the clock that sat on his desk next to his bed to see what time it was. He grabbed it and saw that it was 4 in the morning. He then looked at Hawaii

"Hawaii its 4 in the morning, the meeting doesn't start till 7." America said while yawning. He was quite mad at Hawaii for waking him at such an early time of the day, especially since he went to bed at 2:20 am. He basically just got at least 2 hours of sleep. "Whoops sorry, I didn't know, when I checked it was 6:30 I think Florida did it." Hawaii said as she laughed nervously thinking she was in trouble.

"That's fine I guess. Anyways do you guys want any breakfast?" Asked America. Since he was already up and knowing he won't be able to fall asleep again, mine as well ask.

"Yes!" Yelled Hawaii. She always loved her father's cooking, so did her other siblings. No matter what type of meal America makes they always loved it. Hawaii then ran out of America's room and went to the kitchen to wait for him.
America smiled a little for once but quickly faded.

As America got out of his PJ's he picked out his clothes which was his favorite black shirt that had the words NATO on it ,dark blue jeans, and some black shoes. America walked to the mirror, he noticed that the colors on his flag were fading into darker shades of blue,white, and red. He also noticed his eyes were also starting to turn black. America stood there shocked on not knowing what to do. At first he thought that the lighting in his room was bad, (since it's still dark outside) so he turned the lights on but as soon he walked back to the mirror he saw that it wasn't bad lighting.

His flag and was actually fading to darker shades, his eyes were actually turning black. America couldn't let anyone see him like this so he thought for a bit on how to cover it up, about a minute later he figured out that he can use face paint to cover his dull flag. He into went to his desk that was next to bed and found some face paint that had his flags colors. He grabbed the face paint, then put some on himself which didn't take that long. For his stars, they were a bit harder to do since there was 50 of them so it took a little bit longer. He considered on buying makeup instead of using the face paint he found, but if his kids and the other countries find the makeup they will probably be suspicious of him. Especially since none of his kids use it. For his eyes he just covered them up with his sunglasses, which he uses to cover up his dark under eyes so he didn't mind.

After about a few minutes later he was done with the face paint. Once he was done with he made sure he checked to make sure if could still see any of his dark colored flag. When he finished checking it looked like nothing ever happened to him. He then went to hide his face paint somewhere but couldn't really find a spot so he put it back in his drawer and hid it under some stuff such as some paper, old newspapers, some random wash cloth, and random office supplies.

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