Insert title because I can't think of anything right now...

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I feel like this more of a random chapter.. eh it's just like every other chapter so whatever.

Oh god I'm still quite tired, and I somehow wrote this entire chapter in one day... probably because it's quite a short chapter.. how nice... I think I'm starting to talk to myself...

Anyways besides that... Hello people who read this. Happy pride month! Though is it too late to say? Probably, probably not. But either way I support y'all!

Now enough of me talking, enjoy the chapter. Or not. I don't care which.

"Hey." New Jersey said as he tapped on Canada's shoulder. Canada hummed as a response. "Wanna see a new word I learned in sign language, or well like sign language?" Canada shrugged. "I guess... what did you learn?" New Jersey then stuck out his middle finger with a smirk on his face. "..."

"Listen here you little shi-"

And that's when I do a time skip. This early in the chapter I know.

"And that's how we managed to almost kill each other." New Jersey said with a smile. America had no response. "What the actual f*ck is wrong with you."

"Haha, I don't know. But don't tell me you wouldn't do the same thing!" America rolled his eyes. "Yea yea whatever. Now is that why when you bursted down my damn door while covered in bruises and blood?" New jersey nodded, "Yep, the fight was quite epic though, but I also came to tell you something else but I forgot."

"Um ok... but other than that, you ask why I won't let you near New York. You fighting with Canada or whatever you did  is already self explanatory. But at least you and him are better around each other now then before." America said. New Jersey laughed nervously. "I don't like the way your laughing. What the hell did you do?"

"Well uh... we're not on good terms... again... after I kept stealing his fruit roll ups..."

America facepalmed. "I swear you guys can get angry at each other for literally anything... but I guess I can't really complain because this was exactly how me, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia were."

"Are they your siblings?"

America shrugged "Well yea I guess but were like half-siblings. Now can you please leave my room."


"Because I said so."

"... Understandable have a nice day." New Jersey then quickly left America's room. America sighed but as he was about to go on his phone Canada bursted into his room. "Oh for god sakes will anyone leave me alone!?" America shouted. "Sorry Ame, but uh have you seen New Jersey?" Canada asked. "Uh why?"

"Just need to talk with him..." Canada said.

"No, I haven't, plus I'm quite glad you actually remembered a state... or another."

"Heh, uh yea I guess, it's not hard to remember New Jersey's name really because he kinda rhymes with Hershey."

"... wow, you really compared my child's name with a damn Hershey. You really outdid yourself there." Canada chuckled a bit. "Aww come on, don't blame me. It kinda rhymes, but that's what I mostly think. Now enough talk where New Jersey." America shrugged. "I don't know, check the kitchen or whatever."

"I know you know where he is!" America rolled his eyes. "What if I don't know? You can't just be asking me something I don't know!"

"But I know you know where he is. Where is he?!" Canada shouted.

"My "friend" or whatever, your talking sounds like your about to kill him." America said.

"... probably because I am." Canada said as he rolled his eyes.

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