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I found a very beautiful image of a wild spider deer thing.

Just letting you know this includes LOTS of cringe.

Anyways let's continue...

America's POV ( I need to start writing theses type of POV's more often.)

"Ugh." I groan as slowly rise up from my bed, I blinked a couple of times before I frowned as I looked around my room, it was still dark. I sighed then checked the time on my phone, I mentally facepalm myself. It's five in the morning. Well, sh!t. I know my sleeping schedule is already sh!t, I tried to fix it but I think it's probably going to get worse from here again. Fantastic... Just fantastic...

As I slowly got off of my bed, I tried not to make any noise so I don't wake anyone up so they don't start asking me millions of questions for literally no reason. Once I manage to do so, I leave my room then head downstairs. I go walk to the kitchen and then just start to rummage around in the kitchen.

As someone who is bored that's basically what I did since I forgot my phone and I didn't want to go back upstairs to get it, so as I just looked at everything I saw and started mumbling what I see. "Cups, cups, ooo a hat, cups, spoons, plates, fridge, a very fluffy dog, I'm taking the dog with me, vodka, orange... eh mine as well eat it, knife, spoon, whatever item this that I don't even remember having ever, a Russian that's on the floor- wait..."

Well I was not expecting him to be here.......... Huh what a surprise... As I nudged Russia's head a little making sure he's not completely dead. As I did he showed no movement, pretty sure he's still alive. As I hesitantly backed away, worried he would randomly grab my ankle as I move away from him, if he does I will f@cking scream my lungs out. But as I did, he still made no movement. I sighed in relief.

As I walked out the kitchen still holding the dog, I sit down on the staircase as many thoughts kept flooding my mind which started to give me a headache. Ok.... right now I need to figure out my schedule on how I'm going to do my things again after the countries leave... Maybe just... Uh... I can't think of anything... GOD DAMMIT. Think you stupid AMERICAN! Ugh, I'm just going to do what I usually do, and maybe change a few things up a bit, seems good enough I guess... my mind isn't f@cking working so let's just roll with that idea I suppose.

As I get up from sitting down on the staircase, a very intense pressure was felt on my body as started walking. I was confused on what it was but tried ignoring it. It wasn't easy to ignore though, the pain was unbearable to even walk nor even stand for long periods of time. I had to stop and at least sit down every once in a while. It got annoying. Very annoying.

As I grumbled, I went over to the kitchen to get some water, I put the dog down gently so I don't cause anymore pain to myself than what I am already dealing with. Ugh, the pain is probably just random cramps or some sh!t. Seems unlikely that it is cramps.... You know what I don't even know anymore...

I sigh, but just about to reach for a cup...

3rd Person POV

Just as America's moved his arm towards a cabinet for a cup, a very loud


was heard, just as a crack the appears on him, he fell to the ground aching in pain, he never felt something this painful in his life before. As he for sure knew the pain came from his back. His breath started to become uneasy. He tried to stand back up but it was very difficult to stand back up, so he had to try to force himself to get back up.

He managed to stand back up for just a little bit before he fell back down.


America screamed at the sudden pain, he wished he just stayed down instead, he assumed he made it worse then what he was before. He felt very confused and anxious on what was happening, so many things were running through his mind as he was starting to panic.

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